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Owner Exaggerations


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Bit off topic, but… I saw that man and his Akita getting coffee in the main street a few weeks ago. His owner might exaggerate but my gosh it's a beautiful dog! love.gif

Off topic too. A family with an Akita lives near me so I see him every could of days. He is a big big dog. I'll check next time I see them ifp they know his weight.

I met a young couple who had adopted a staffy cross from the pound the other day - they said he was 40kgs... I'd say closer to 20kgs actually... lol! He was a sweetie who gave aweome kisses though, so I didn't really care that his owners wanted to talk up his size... lol.

So long as they don't feed the dog to make their claims true :(

A bit off topic again: I once worked for a man who was overweight. One day he announced he't been on a diet and had lost 9kg. A couple of days later this was up to 15kgs and just a day later, WOW!! he'd lost 25kg. Absolutely no difference in his clothes or looks.

Edited by Dame Danny's Darling
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I admit, I often up Gem's weight in convo's with people because of the way people associate weight and height in their heads. people don't take structure into account, they go "my bulldog dogs is 60 lbs, so if your dog is 42lbs that means my dog is much bigger then yours" when my 42lbs dog is actually 3 times the size of their 60lbs dog lol. the average person would associate Gem's height with a 55-60lbs dog, so that what I tell people if they ask.

that said I have had people do that too, a Rottie at work, his owner brags that he is gonna grow up to be 180lbs..ya, ok lol

I wouldn't exaggerate the weight of any of my Rotties (R.I.P.) to appease anyone. Why bother getting into a pissing contest or a 'mine is bigger than yours' contest with people? Contrary to popular opinion, bigger is not always better.

The Rotties were kept at their ideal weight as are my Cavaliers. IMO lean and fit is the best for our dogs.

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I used to know a couple who were always bragging about their 40kg ACDs - they were the biggest ACDs you'll ever see, yadda yadda yadda. Sadly their ACDs DID weigh 40kg and they were morbidly obese. The poor things were so fat they could barely move and panted constantly.

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Bragging about a dog's weight is something I've never been able to understand. When people ask how much my two weigh, they get told the exact weight right down to grams.

Zeus: 13.6 kilos

Kirah: 6.4 kilos

I weigh them every month or so and I take pride in knowing things like this about my dogs without the need to brag. I can even tell you their neck circumferences! :laugh:

Zeus can run faster than a few greyhounds and whippets because I've witnessed it at the dog park, however, whippets are a bit more agile.

I guess dogs are the same as everything else: cars, prams, babies, houses etc Mine are ALWAYS going to far superior than all the others!

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Lol oh I totally agree! I give exact weights if the person is looking at my dogs, its just if the person hasn't met my dogs and needs to know their size for whatever reason I will exaduarate to give them a a more accurate picture in their head. For example a lot of dog products are sized by weight for no good reason, if someone was wanting to purchase something for Gem based on "42lbs" that something is going to be waaayyyy too small. I actually much prefer height measurements and use them exclusively when I can lol.

The Rottie I spoke of is in GREAT shape and a normal sized Rottie, I dont understand his owners desire to pretend he's massive lol

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Bragging about a dog's weight is something I've never been able to understand. When people ask how much my two weigh, they get told the exact weight right down to grams.

Zeus: 13.6 kilos

Kirah: 6.4 kilos

I weigh them every month or so and I take pride in knowing things like this about my dogs without the need to brag. I can even tell you their neck circumferences! :laugh:

Zeus can run faster than a few greyhounds and whippets because I've witnessed it at the dog park, however, whippets are a bit more agile.

I guess dogs are the same as everything else: cars, prams, babies, houses etc Mine are ALWAYS going to far superior than all the others!

What breed is Zeus?
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On the day this photo was taken Nova did in fact catch up and run faster than a greyhound, for about 30 seconds until the greyhound switched to high gear. laugh.gif

Even in the photo you can see which dog is running full pelt and which is just going for a fun jog!


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On the day this photo was taken Nova did in fact catch up and run faster than a greyhound, for about 30 seconds until the greyhound switched to high gear. laugh.gif

Even in the photo you can see which dog is running full pelt and which is just going for a fun jog!


Oh that's a great photo :)

Yeah I suspect when other breeds run faster than whippets and greyhounds it's because the whippet or greyhound isn't running it's fastest. Or maybe there are a few slow whippets or greys around.

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Bragging about a dog's weight is something I've never been able to understand. When people ask how much my two weigh, they get told the exact weight right down to grams.

Zeus: 13.6 kilos

Kirah: 6.4 kilos

I weigh them every month or so and I take pride in knowing things like this about my dogs without the need to brag. I can even tell you their neck circumferences! :laugh:

Zeus can run faster than a few greyhounds and whippets because I've witnessed it at the dog park, however, whippets are a bit more agile.

I guess dogs are the same as everything else: cars, prams, babies, houses etc Mine are ALWAYS going to far superior than all the others!

I like that you know that :)

I never know exact, with both my dogs whenever they are on the scale it's always different. With Del it's never wildly different, but with Digby it has been quite different, so I just give averages.

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Bragging about a dog's weight is something I've never been able to understand. When people ask how much my two weigh, they get told the exact weight right down to grams.

Zeus: 13.6 kilos

Kirah: 6.4 kilos

I weigh them every month or so and I take pride in knowing things like this about my dogs without the need to brag. I can even tell you their neck circumferences! :laugh:

Zeus can run faster than a few greyhounds and whippets because I've witnessed it at the dog park, however, whippets are a bit more agile.

I guess dogs are the same as everything else: cars, prams, babies, houses etc Mine are ALWAYS going to far superior than all the others!

What breed is Zeus?

Zeus is a Beagle x Jack Russell but he's built like a Kelpie and if I didn't know better I'd say he has Kelpie in him.

Keep in mind that I've only ever seen Zeus race 2 whippets and 1 greyhound and they were quite amazing 'races ' to watch. I don't bother bragging because 3 dogs out of the vast number of Greys and Whippets is nothing spectacular.

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Bragging about a dog's weight is something I've never been able to understand. When people ask how much my two weigh, they get told the exact weight right down to grams.

Zeus: 13.6 kilos

Kirah: 6.4 kilos

I weigh them every month or so and I take pride in knowing things like this about my dogs without the need to brag. I can even tell you their neck circumferences! :laugh:

Zeus can run faster than a few greyhounds and whippets because I've witnessed it at the dog park, however, whippets are a bit more agile.

I guess dogs are the same as everything else: cars, prams, babies, houses etc Mine are ALWAYS going to far superior than all the others!

What breed is Zeus?

Zeus is a Beagle x Jack Russell but he's built like a Kelpie and if I didn't know better I'd say he has Kelpie in him.

Keep in mind that I've only ever seen Zeus race 2 whippets and 1 greyhound and they were quite amazing 'races ' to watch. I don't bother bragging because 3 dogs out of the vast number of Greys and Whippets is nothing spectacular.

no offence to Zeus but if he was faster than the whippets and greyhound, either they weren't trying to run fast, or they were very slow examples of the breed. I have on occasion seen bigger dogs run my boys (whippets) down but it was more because the boys were frightened and instead of them running flat out to escape they slowed down, silly duffers. :laugh:

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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

Yup. nods head. :D

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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

That's what the whippet did to Lili, stayed at a speed that meant she was only just behind but would never catch it :laugh:

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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

Yup. nods head. :D

AND, smile as they do it....


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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

Yup. nods head. :D

Unless the distance is about 2 or 3 km. ;-)

But yes, agree otherwise. A non-sighthound outpacing a grey or a whippet at any distance is unlikely unless the grey or whippet has some kind of significant problem.

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Greyhounds rarely get to full speed when playing. I once let Pia have a run with some other dogs and basically she did laps while all the other dogs chased her lol. She would let them all catch up, then she'd switch gears and leave them in her dust. A Greyhound or Whippet at full speed will beat any other breed no question.

Yup. nods head. :D

Unless the distance is about 2 or 3 km. ;-)

But, as mine believe, if you've not caught it in the first 500 metres, why bother? :laugh:

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