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Puppy Itchy Ear


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Poppy (the new addition) has an itchy ear. When she was spayed last week I got my vet to check it out and she said all looks clear and fine.

It's just one ear, I think she is teething at the moment and it's the one that is floppy. The other ear has stood up over the past couple of weeks. She is 6 months old and it only seems to bother her in the evening just before bedtime. She starts shaking her head and scratching it - it doesn't look red or smell any different to the other ear.

Any suggestions?

One up one down :laugh:


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Haha pers, you must have missed her intro thread in General - plenty of cuteness in there :D

That's what I wondered - it's been years since I had one this age so didn't know if it was associated with teething? I had also wondered about heat, as we have the ducted AC on heat in the evenings at the moment...

It's not frenetic scratching, but it is happening each evening :confused:

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Please do be careful with sort of thing. The scratching and shaking can and often does turn into a haematoma. A large blood blister like swelling than may appear on the ear.

If this happens straight to the vet. Lets hope it has stopped and was a one off thing. :)

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