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Puppy Scratching At The Door!


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I have an 8 month old miniature poodle who for the most part has been a dream so far!

Since bringing him home he has slept in the laundry every night. Our routine is - he goes out to toilet then comes back inside to go to bed? Most nights I don't even have to call him into the laundry, he races into his bed and sits patiently for his treat (he gets a small piece of liver treat every night when going to bed). Most nights he is fine but occasionally he cries and scratches like mad at the door and when he does it may start 5 or even 10 minutes after I leave. The routine is always the same, although the time may differ a bit. I don't call out to Murphy or respond to his cries in anyway. Also I generally go to bed after putting him in the laundry, so the problem is not that he can hear me moving around the house. He has a warm bed, his favourite toy as well as food and water.

How can I stop his scratching before he damages my door? :confused:

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How long have you had him?

Could well be temperature, he is cold, have you noticed it's on colder nights?

Alternatively, are you sure he does toilet when he goes out on the nights he cries? Do you wake up to a wee/poo in the laundry the morning after?

Any differences in your or his activities on the days he cries?

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Thank you for the replies! Sorry, I should have added there is a ducted heating vent in our laundry! But just the same I will get something warmer for him as hubby doesn't want him sleeping in our room.

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Simply grand we have had him for 6 months, since he was 8 weeks old. He rarely wets or soils in there, so confident that's not the reason. Also I haven't noticed any changes in his behaviour or activities on days he cries but I will take more notice from now on! He is with me most of the time, including coming with me to school most days but this has always been the case. I don't think he is fretting as it happens infrequently?

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If it's infrequent maybe something outside unsettling him, wind or something like that

Good point.

When the Heart Dog first came to live with us, he used to dislike moonlight :eek:

Turned out the moon was shining thro' the trees and into their sleeping room. Would make weird shadows.

He got spooked. Curtains fixed that.

Edited by VizslaMomma
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Thanks for the suggestions! I have made some changes to ensure the laundry is warmer and I have also closed the window (it was only open a a tiny bit for fresh air) also I have pulled the blind completely down so he cannot see any shadows or moonlight, nor can he hear any noises as we have double glazing that blocks out noise :thumbsup: ) So far if Murphy has cried it has only been for a minute or 2 and then he settles for the night, until my husband has to wake him in the morning :)

He really is such a great dog and I love him to bits, I have hated hearing him cry!

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