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Snot Coloured Fluid Appearing On Puppy Vagina


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Hi All,

I have a 5 month old Stafford and I have noticed that in the mornings she seems to have some sort of fluid attached to the hairs around her vagina (like it is caught in there). It has a sort of snotty colour (yellowish/greenish) and is kind of the consistency of milk (Yes i have touched it! ***shudders**). I have only noticed it in the morning when I get her out of her crate to take her out for her morning pee, I thought it may have something to do with her holding her pee at night??

Does anyone know what it could be?

Sorry if this is something common....she is my first dog :)


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My vet told me that this is just a normal part of their (female) sexual development; like puberty there are lots of changes going on, and to just wipe her whenever you see the discharge. It isn't necessarily a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Other people on here are far more experienced than me, so I would wait and see what they have to say :)


My vet also suggested wiping after every wee with a baby wipe.

Edited by Queen Maeby
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Clear or white-ish mucus discharge is normal - green is rarely good.

Is she peeing more than usual? Does she seem itchy around her vulva? Is she spayed?

Not an emergency situation, but I would keep an eye on it and suggest a vet check if it continues for more than a week or gets heavier.

Could be just a little localised infection in the vagina which usually fixes itself in a healthy pup but if she's peeing a lot it's more likely to be a UTI which is more serious and will almost certainly need a vet visit.

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I just remembered something...

My vet also said that it's probably from the puppy not knowing how to clean herself yet after every wee and sitting down in her wee on the grass etc.

Yes, green isn't good but it should right itself if you continue to wipe :)


Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well...

Discharge is normal but green isn't good and it should right itself if you wipe her :)

Edited by Queen Maeby
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Sounds like puppy vaginitis which is not uncommon. It often self resolves but if you are worried consult your vet, I probably would if she were mine. If she is to be spayed before her first season let the vet know she gets it. Often coming into season is what sorts it out.

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Our puppy had this problem for a bit but the vet told us unless she seemed in pain peeing or that anything in that area was sensitive/hurting her that it should be fine and clear itself up, which it did. Was pretty embarrassing when she'd do a wizz at the park and then run around with this gross stuff hanging out of her :o

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Thanks for the replies guys... sounds like it is a lot more normal then I thought!

She doesn't appear to be in any pain and doesn't seem to be peeing more then normal from what I can tell (she is home alone most of the day though)

She hasn't been spayed yet, I'm waiting for her to hit 6 months before I do it. It has been going on for at least 2 weeks (I say at least as that is when I noticed it) Do you think that is too long?

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