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Crazy Young Lab


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A friend of mine emailed me the other day, wanting some advice about her Lab.

She says he is a pain to take for walk because he pulls like a freight train, so they bought im a halti, and now all he does is walk along, and drag along the ground, trying to get the halti off.

the other issue is that he gets overexcited and jumps and licks.

What would you recommend to fix these specific issues?

I think he needs to be taught how to deal with his excitement, as i would say thats whats causing the pulling too? But i dont really know hahah


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Shouldn't laugh- BUT he is a young male lab ..... that says a lot of it .

the OWNERS need to be educated first ;)

They need to learn WHY dogs pull and jump and lick and act crazy

WHY he is trying to get the halter off

WHAT is his reward for this behaviour

and HOW to understand what he's thinking .

if dog is entire .. I suggest castration.

I also suggest they get good professional help ASAP - before there are tears . yes, it may cost - but much less than Doctor or Vet bills .labs are strong , and accidents involving falling over/broken leashes etc happen in an instant :( ( yes, been there, done that)

A professional who can SEE them interacting can then work with them on management .

Hopefully they will understand that some outside help will be SUCH a relief for them ...

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What training if any, has he already recieved :confused: I don't like head halters as some dogs will not tolerate them at all, mainly because they are not introduced slowly, but also if the dog is distracted by the thing on his head, he is not going to be able to take in much learning. I much prefer a front attached harness like the Sensible or Ezy Walk brands for dogs that are pulling. You can use these while training your dog to walk nicely :)

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They need a good trainer in not advice from the internet or more stuff from the pet store. Any equipment is useless without the right knowledge with which to use it to it's full potential to help you achieve your goal

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