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Introduction To Scent Sports

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He LOVES them Huski :) I did ask about that (if it always had to be food) early in the course - but have been told he'll probably be OK when he's on scent. He's not falling behind it's just frustrating as this is the dog who'll happily go days without eating.

And yes Jumabaar - I saw you. Wondered what you were up to. :) There is always so much going on out there.

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No reason you can't use toys as a reward if you want to - even if you introduce it as a reward once he's confident with the exercise and knows what he is doing. Many working scent detection dogs are rewarded with balls etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, we passed. I'm very very happy as it's been a busy time at work and we haven't had a lot of time for homework. He was really off his game today but, after 3 failed practice runs he managed to pull something from the depths of his waggly little tail and pass his first assessed run, quickly.

In terms of the course and the facility:


It was all pretty good. I'm in Sydney's Inner West and it's basically in Richmond so it was a fair drive but I grew up out that way which meant I didn't feel like I was travelling to the end of the earth. I visited my parents or friends most weekends on the way home too.

The centre is good, well set up and always something going on. I would recommend that you take a large bottle of drinking water (or 2 + a bowl for your dog) and snacks .. . There isn't anything other then tea, coffee & some drinking water on site. Places to stop and eat are limited - especially with a dog in tow (I ate more maccas in the last 6 weeks then I have in the last 6 (or more) months).

IMO the facility needs a little spring clean, some of the buildings were having an upgrade while I was out there - so maybe it's on the agenda. It's certainly only a personal thing - the place runs well and there is consistency regarding the look and feel of the place, it just needs a tiny bit more polish. I did get confused as to where to go the fist week (it's bloody obvious once you see it).

On a totally different note, the IT is a bit the same, lots of different domain names and email addresses pointing to slightly different places. Again, has no impact on the business, you can tell its been a very organic growth but things work.


I really enjoyed it. We had 2 instructors - as the one who usually takes it was sick the first week. The guy who stepped in for her takes level 2 and he was fantastic. I really liked him. I had, as documented here, a tiny personality clash with the usual instructor re: the size of my treats and my views on my dogs (non-existent) food drive. Nothing major. She was good, had a good working knowledge of the material she was teaching and was able to guide and assist all of us in the ways we needed help. The two big things she suggested for me (aside from the treat thing) really made an impact on Scottie.

It's possible that having a substitute the first week threw things out a little but I felt like we could have done with one more week of class - the homework progressed very quickly and there wasn't any flexibility. If you didn't do the assigned homework 2-3 times you really felt the impact in class. I struggled because I have been very busy at work and Scottie wont settle without 2 walks a day. I do the evening walk and just didnt have the time for an evening walk and more homework after that.

All that said, I would absolutely recommend the class to anyone, all three owners commented on positive changes in their dogs, mental exhaustion after class. I really enjoyed it and if time permits (I started studying again this week) I will pursue level 2.

PS - Scottie got a lovely bandanna and certificate :)post-51207-0-38872900-1405762469_thumb.jpg

Edited by Scottsmum
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Some times they travel - maybe they'd do an intense clinic over 2 days or something if there was enough demand? I did read one blog where a lady taught her self (and the dog).

Will see if I can find it.

Never did find out about this but I suspect (now I know more) they probably don't travel. They did just hold a train the trainer class so maybe there are a few budding Scent instructors out there.

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