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Vent: Why Do People Get A Pup Without Really Thinking It Over


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OT: I just decided to google why they call it a battle axe block, interesting stuff, although now I'm left pondering why it's specifically a battle axe because the driveway is not always in the middle, surely a wood axe or even a hatchet would suffice. Who even uses a battle axe these days?

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OT: I just decided to google why they call it a battle axe block, interesting stuff, although now I'm left pondering why it's specifically a battle axe because the driveway is not always in the middle, surely a wood axe or even a hatchet would suffice. Who even uses a battle axe these days?

I'm considering it if that bloody dog doesnt can it! (on the owner, not the dog. I'd never harm a dog)

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OT: I just decided to google why they call it a battle axe block, interesting stuff, although now I'm left pondering why it's specifically a battle axe because the driveway is not always in the middle, surely a wood axe or even a hatchet would suffice. Who even uses a battle axe these days?

I'm considering it if that bloody dog doesnt can it! (on the owner, not the dog. I'd never harm a dog)


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I spoke to 4 people getting ''Pomsky' pups today at work.

One even rang back angry because I'd listed the dog as Pomeranian x. I had to bite my tongue.

People make me so sad.

Reminds me of when we computerised while I was vet nursing - people were offended that we didn't have labradoodle as a listed breed and very upset that it had to be lab x or poodle x.

Gave up trying to explain that we could only put "real" breeds in the computer - not every 'oodle x creation which walked through the door (it was at the peak of oodle-ism)

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On that note - Just call me Mrs BusyBody or Esme Watson :D

Hshaha Esme, good to have someone that knows who that is!!!!

Before Esme Watson there was Dorie Evans!!

Hyacinth wasn't quite in the same league....laugh.gif

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We have so many oodles around here I can pick them better than the purebreds!

Ex neighbours had a dog that came from rescue, they admitted to being rubbish owners but justified it because " she was a rescue dog anyway."

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We get a lot of the people who bought the pup without really thinking it through coming in to my work looking for a magical training aid that with 'fix' their dog for them. :(. The latest was an elderly lady who had bought a kelpie puppy because many years ago she had a border collie and recalled it being a good dog...

The 4 month old pup was definitely smarter than her ;) I did try a few walking aids on her as it was pretty obvious the pup would end up at the pound if something wasn't done. In the end a sporn seemed to be well accepted by the little fella and she was much happier walking him then. I gave her a quick demo on how to use it as a transitional tool to end up with him loose leash walking and gave her some advice on the way she was interacting with him(was giving him mixed signals and not being clear with her commands) and I pointed her in the direction of a great local trainer I know. I really hope she gets some help and he ends up being a good doggie for her.

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I dont understand people who do this. I see many, and by many, I mean, at least 2-3 people a day in the city, who own corgis, huskies, japanese spitz etc (the "pretty" dogs) who are talking about how they are going back overseas!! It's not my place to say anything to them, but the owners are always students and seems like they only get their dogs for the time they are staying for their studies. It's so sad how people arent committed to the dog for its entire lifetime, and only in the puppy stage

The rescue I got Sarah through had a pom cross that was handed from international student to international student when they finished their studies and went home. She was surrendered to the rescue at nearly 4 years old. Very sad, she had spent most of her life outside as well.

Thank goodness for people like you giving Sarah a home she deserves. :)

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I dont understand people who do this. I see many, and by many, I mean, at least 2-3 people a day in the city, who own corgis, huskies, japanese spitz etc (the "pretty" dogs) who are talking about how they are going back overseas!! It's not my place to say anything to them, but the owners are always students and seems like they only get their dogs for the time they are staying for their studies. It's so sad how people arent committed to the dog for its entire lifetime, and only in the puppy stage

The rescue I got Sarah through had a pom cross that was handed from international student to international student when they finished their studies and went home. She was surrendered to the rescue at nearly 4 years old. Very sad, she had spent most of her life outside as well.

Thank goodness for people like you giving Sarah a home she deserves. :)

This issue is certainly very common in the Macquarie Uni area. Some of the local vets are finally given the much rehomed (usually young) dog to euthanase when another quick owner can't be found.

I worked at Macquarie Uni a few years ago and occasionally had to try and catch a loose dog on campus, there were lots of cats too, having kittens and so on ....

Edited by Her Majesty Dogmad
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Because most people think that dogs are just animals. They don't think about the long term, only the here and now. People have that it is 'only' a dog, or 'only' an animal mentality.

They dont know/ realize that they need to put effort into a dog, they think dogs come trained. And that dogs also come knowing the English language fluently.

Recently my dad's elderly friends went up north for possibly a few weeks as their daughter pretty much forced them. The couple have a huge farm and a kelpie cross. I felt so sad for the dog who is 6. And my dad piped up that if he had the space he would take him for the time they were away. I shook my head on the inside, as my dad has no clue about dogs. Just feed it and pat it when he was outside. The dog would be bored beyond tears!

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Update on complaint 2:

The dog(s) finally stopped about 11:30 last night. I may or may not have called the cops late in the evening to see if they could do anything over the weekend. They said they're try to send a car around to check on the welfare of the dogs. I notice this morning that the "run" it/ they were in is open. Silence all day thus far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I met someone the other day (I actually knew them as they work in my favourite restaurant)who had a brand new pomsky pup (Id guess husky x border collie myself). I laughed so hard once I was out of ear shot. She was carrying her little pomsky but needed both arms to do it. It was bigger than most husky pups that age!

Its so sad in most ways but that just made me laugh and laugh.

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Mrs RB.

I don't know, on one hand the dog looks older and there may be an underlying cause, but I'd find it hard either way.MMuch easier to diet a dog than ourselves, and they couldnt not notice that.

OH's mother has incredibly fat dogs and I hate visiting them.

The dogs are too fat to get up the stairs and aren't well dogs.

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I'm having real trouble at the moment with my mum.

Her partner rescued a husky a few months back. The (interstate) rescue org either didn't know or weren't overly forthcoming with a lot of details.

This dog has serious issues. He can't keep her in, she climbs the 6ft fences, she broke a window and jumped through it at one point and just sails over any fencing fix he whips up.

She gets 10k plus of biking a day but no mental stimulation or anything. I've sent umpteen links for social sledding, lure coursing, behaviourists (Nekhbet, haha) and things to keep this dog happy and busy.

All too time consuming as he works a lot. Dog continues to get out, stroll around and wind up at the vet awaiting collection.

The other (bigger) problem is that she's really DA.

she can't be walked on paths as without warning she leans over and bites dogs passing by. He resists muzzlingher cause its cruel. *rolly eye man*

Mainly little dogs, but its escalating. Mum has been babysitting her of a weekend recently, and my sister and 10mth old niece live with her and I've been telling her you need to watch her around that baby. Don't let the baby near her, I don't trust her. I've seen her get in the zone and go after a swf at a park and the owner of the dog says "the vet thinks she's just overexcited" but it looks like dominance to me, interrupting others play with aggression and reacting to other dogs barking or anything with attack mode.

Anyway, mum also has 3 cats and 2 small dogs. Course she does.

The shih tzu took an instant dislike to her and stands her ground, I told mum she should listen to the dogs. The dogs speak the same language. Rosie did the same thing, and other dogs run off yelping as she comes close.

Long story short there's been a few easy broken up scuffles, which mum has "had a handle on" aka been around to intervene.

She wasn't fast enough the other day, the cats are locked in the other side of the house but the dogs were together while mum was in the bathroom and this bloody husky grabbed Tunie the shih tzu by the hind leg and dragged her outside, away from mum.

She was going to kill her too. My sister was hanging washing out and kicked the dog away (getting a bruised hand from a bite in the process) but she had flipped tunie over and was going to kill her.

Mum has been letting the baby pat her and eventually baby will be walking and squealing and I just shudder to think.

Petunia is fine, bruised and shaken but fine now. We took her out with Gus the harmless the day after and plied her with cheese and love, so she's back on the big dog horse.

But I'm.so peed off, to.put it nicely. How could you risk your own pets and grandchild for some idiot dog? She knew it wasn't safe!

And I told her what I'd be doing with the dog and got told its not my business.

I'd be putting her down, tbh. This guy doesn't have the time to commit to a behaviour mod program, I wouldn't be sending her back or making her someone else's issue. That would be it for me. Especially as he can't keep her in. She's going to kill something.

Mum has said she can't have her around there any more, and he's got some sedatives from the vet but he's just taken on more than he can deal with. He's had a husky before and assumed they will all be as easy as the last and can't keep up and she's taking full advantage.

Pisses me right off!!


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Guest hankodie

Gosh Steph that sounds very frustrating I'm sorry :(

I agree, I would put the dog down as well as re-homing it will just pass on the issues to the next owner.

Can you get her to sit down and read this?: http://www.liamjperkfoundation.org/liam.html

Aggressive dogs around children is no joke as I'm sure you know. Sedatives are hardly a solution, it sounds like this dog has some deep rooted issues and your mum's partner sounds like he just doesn't have the time to tackle them.

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That's it, she agrees that he shouldn't keep bandaiding the problem and either needs to shit or get off the pot, basically. But has only just come to this conclusion.

Issue is they don't live together, nor can she push getting rid of the dog, as its not hers and she's a bit chicken in that respects. I almost want to say whipped. Haha.

All she can do is make suggestions and say she won't have the dog at her house any more.

He needs to make time or make a decision. Drives me insane. There's hundreds of lovely dogs who are assessed properly and presented honestly in rescue orgs everywhere who are waiting and waiting for homes and he's wasting time with one he doesn't have time for and gets no enjoyment from living with.

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Mrs RB.

I don't know, on one hand the dog looks older and there may be an underlying cause, but I'd find it hard either way.MMuch easier to diet a dog than ourselves, and they couldnt not notice that.

OH's mother has incredibly fat dogs and I hate visiting them.

The dogs are too fat to get up the stairs and aren't well dogs.

The dog has been to the vet - and the diagnosis was the dog needs to "lose some weight" which the equally fat owner didn't take seriously. I think vets could do a lot more here but they don't want to upset their customers.

It's horrifying to me. And I have failed in my reward based training - and put a sad face against the pic on facebook - I feel bad about that but I don't think ignoring the problem is going to help the dog.

The owner's wife was posting happy picks of taking her dog for a walk - but they're the first pix I've seen of the dog going for a walk since I visited last NOVEMBER!!! It clearly doesn't get walked often - it clearly is way over fed. My reaction is about the same if they'd proudly posted pix of it after it had been in a dog fight with bloody wounds all over it.

So I feel like I've punished my friend (the wife) for taking the dog for a walk. There's a lot of passive aggressive stuff going on between her and her husband too which makes me cringe. But she's a very needy person and can't live alone. And I'm the opposite.

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