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Help Please, Swollen Penis. Keeps Getting Stuck Out


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Maybe should be in health but more traffic in here.

A couple of months ago my entire male (just over a year old) had the end of his penis stuck out and it wouldn't go back in. It was very swollen and sore to touch. Had been out a while as it was also cold. I tried using KY to get it back in place but it just wouldn't. About an hour later, as I was putting him in the car to go to vet it went back by itself. No vet that time as I though it was a one off and there were no ill effects.

2 weeks ago it happened again, this time I took him to vet and she said it was most likely because he was becoming aroused and humping at something and this was the result. That time it also went back in on its own just before getting to vet. She suggested if it happens again to give him an injection that stops testosterone etc for a couple of months (not Suprelorin, was something different) if it happened again).

So happened again on Friday night. He was definitely not humping anything as I let him sleep on my bed as husband is away and he woke me up when he got off the bed at 1:30 am and that's when I saw it. Tried again to put it back with KY but no luck. Went back in itself around 8am. Went to vet (different one) and he tested his urine and he has a urinary infection so on antibiotics for that but still no idea why this is happening.

Just woke up this morning to find its happened again. I'm in tears as I dont know what to do? It's obviously quite painful for him and i just want it to stop.

Has anyone else had experience with this? Did desexing get help? I'll do whatever we need, I just want to help him.

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I asked for advice here on DOL a few years ago about this very problem, not with my boys but with one I sold. I was told it can be dangerous as it can cut the blood supply. I think they can operated to make the opening of the sheath a bit larger so it doesn't get stuck. I dont know if there'd be any disadvantages to having that op.

I sympathise with you, it's awful to see your boy in pain like that.

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My rescue boy Acheron had this. It happened about 5 times and on two occasions he had to be twilight sedated to make it go down. At the time I thought he was desexed but it turned out he wasn't and both testes were inquinal. I only found out when one dropped. Once this was found out he was desexed and it didn't happen again. I have no idea if there was a correlation though.

It is something that does need quick medical intervention as constriction of the penis leaving it exposed can result in complications.


Paraphimosis, or the inability to completely retract the penis into the preputial cavity usually occurs after erection. It is seen most often after semen collection or breeding. The skin at the preputial opening traps the extruded penis, impairing blood circulation. Other causes of paraphimosis include a constricting band of hair at the preputial opening or other trauma to the penis. Paraphimosis is a medical emergency because the exposed penis quickly becomes swollen (due to accumulation of fluid), dry, and painful. If recognized early, before severe swelling and pain develop, paraphimosis is easily treated. The treatment consists of gentle cleansing and lubrication of the exposed penis. The penis is replaced inside the prepuce and the swelling resolves once circulation is restored.

Source: http://www.merckmanuals.com/pethealth/dog_disorders_and_diseases/reproductive_disorders_of_dogs/reproductive_disorders_of_male_dogs.html?qt=Phimosis&alt=sh#v3206241

I hope you are able to get him sorted soon. I know how upsetting it can be. (hug).

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What ended up happening to the boy you sold Kirislin?

I don't know why it started all of a sudden. I might go back and ask vet if he thinks making the sheath opening would make any difference.

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Yes, I suppose he's at that age. I'm not sure why he's becoming aroused though? The last 2 times its happened he has been in my room (closed up with air con on so not able to smell other dogs even if there was one I season nearby). Every time it's been during the night, never during get the day and I've never error seen him humping at things or behaving like a horny teenage boy at all?

I'll go to vet today (there is one near here open on Sunday) but will go back to vet I saw yesterday to ask about surgery tomorrow.

I just put cool water on it and he was crying in pain as soon as I did :(

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It's gone back in!

I thought I'd try again and poured KY all over it and although I can get my finger under the skin I couldn't get it to stay over the penis. Poor Arnold was crying and trying to get away so I gave up. I could see him tensing the sheath on and off and after about 10 minutes he got it back in himself.

I think I'll get the Suprelorin implant (I think vet said there is a 6 month one) to see if that stops it happening and will also look into the surgery to open up the hole a bit.

I'm so bloody received it went back.

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Went through this with my Italian Greyhound male (older aged) at one stage, he had it over the course of a few weeks for no apparent reason. It just stopped as suddenly as it had started. Hopefully this will happen for you, I had to help it back in at the time with ointment .... eek.

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This is part of the process that sees dogs "tie" when they mate.

The bulbous gland of the penis becomes engorged with blood, swelling it so that it stays outside the sheath.

I had a rather excitable young male poodle that did this. I would run tepid (not cold) water over it to encourage the blood to decrease, resulting in the swelling also decreasing.

Desexing won't fix it. Best to learn to deal with it yourself and as soon as possible.

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I would look at getting the sheath opened a bit. I've seen a dog that had the blood circulation cut off by the time the owners came home and found him :/ Not very nice.

Yes to this. It can be excruciatingly painful and you may need surgical assistance. Happened a couple of times with one of my dogs so have been told of the risks.

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Duke did this to himself once - overhumping a cushion.....

Cool water got the swelling down, but I think he had been wandering around a while like that so we had a quick late night trip to the emergency vets (totally useless, that lot - they were too scared to touch him!) and a visit to our normal vet the following morning for pain relief and anti-inflammatories (he was still walking funny).

New couch has no removable cushions for a reason.

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My 2 yr old dale has had this happen twice and he was wide awake both times .. He sort of froze with a confused look on his face then the second time he started Airehumping .

He is 2.5 now and hasn't fine it again ..

It is scary and looks huge and sore ..

Edit to add my boy was desexed at 18mths .

Edited by mumof4girls
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Sometimes as the penis is going back into the sheath, the sheath can roll back into itself and prevent or make the return of the penis harder. This may be what is happening to your boy. If so maybe it can be surgically corrected.

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