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Lili has a sensitive tummy too Lisa, she hasn't vomited a hairball but she does often retch as if there is hair or something in her throat. Last time she vomited a few times for no reason she had a case of colitis. Hope Nova is ok :hug:

Edited by Dame Aussie
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Thought I would give an update. We went to the vet to check for a blockage. Nothing there, vet thinks the hair is triggering the vomiting as well as he is possibly becoming intolerant to something in his food.

So he's been on a limited diet of sweet potato and turkey mince (he gets the runs from chicken) for a few days as they would normally fast dogs, but Nova also hungry vomits bile!

But since I've limited his food to tiny meals 3 times a day, no vomits, increasing the mixture today and will start adding his normal food back into it on Sunday if no more vomits.

For others with hairball issues we were recommended to use flavourless Psyllium husk or Metamucil, 2 teaspoons a day (one in morning meal, one evening). As he was vomiting as well the vet didn't want him on paraffin incase he got diarrhoea. Apparently this also helps get the hair passing though.

Guess we'll know if it's working properly if we don't get any hairballs this week. Although it has increased the size of his poops they are nice and firm logged shaped, and you can see the hair in them. thumbsup1.gif

Edited by LisaCC
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psyllium is just the husks from the plant .They absorb HEAPS of moisture ..and swell into a gel. I was told to always soak it well before adding to food - and start of at about a 1/2 teaspoon of dry psyllium husk first . ( this all Hamlet ever had after his obstruction surgery ..and it worked very well.)

if it is fed dry ..then it MAY - may- absorb too much liquid from the gut, and actually CAUSE constipation ;)

it is not really a diet change as such ... merely a glob of soluble fibre to help stuff pass easily thru the intestine :)

I have used it in humans/dogs/cats/horse - for digestion/furballs/sand colic.

Edited by persephone
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Oh I wasn't told about the soaking it first bit. Doesn't say it on the bottle I bought either. I am mixing it very well into his sloppy food mixture though. And the teaspoon I'm using isn't heaped and probably smaller than a normal teaspoon actually. No constipation so far… might add a bit more water into it just to make sure, thanks Perse smile.gif

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Back on his normal food now, so Earthborn Holistic grain free (fish one) with a turkey neck as one meal. No vomits and no hairballs! Very happy it's not an intolerance to his food.

I am adding 1tsp of the psyllium husk in to his breakfast each day and that seems to be working with the hair balls. cheer.gif

If he keeps it all down the next week I'll start slowly adding some extras back that I normally like to give him too such as eggs, sardines and more meaty bones smile.gif

He's going through some minor shedding now, which is probably why the hairballs started (even with daily brushing), so hopefully when he has his first big coat drop come spring/summer the psyllium husk continues to work.

I prefer not to wash my dogs too often but as so much more hair comes out with a wash I might give weekly or fortnightly rinses to him during the shedding seasons to help prevent it the hairballs. Might need to invest in some of that candula tea rinse to stop his skin from drying out!

Never thought it would be a bad thing to have a dog that likes to keep himself clean!

Edited by LisaCC
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That's so good it's not an intolerance :thumbsup:

could you just wash him with water as it will still remove a lot of fur, but shouldn't dry the skin like using shampoo would? I don't know as I'm not at all familiar with having dog with a big fur coat, maybe it would result in him having a very bad hair day or something.

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