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Nova just vomited a hairball along with some grass and what looked like tendon from this mornings turkey neck.

This is the second time he's done this in a fortnight. Last time it was at 3am.

I know hairballs can cause blockages, is this something that I should get checked out at the vet straight away or is there something I can give him to help it pass?

I brush him daily, but he is a very clean dog. He will groom himself if he gets even a little bit dirty.

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I've had trouble with Tatum and hair balls. I posted in the health thread a while ago. The first one she had was last year when she had a blockage which needed surgery and it proved to be a hair ball. And then last week she was a bit off and salivating a lot when she ate. She had been mated so I was assuming she was feeling nauseous due to that. But then tea one night she just flat out refused to look at it and I immediately thought blockage again. Took her to the vet who palpated and said no blockage and she probably was pregnant. As soon as we got home she vomited a hair ball the size of a fat sausage and has been fine ever since. Considering she's a Cavalier it was rather big! I've no idea why she is consuming all this hair. She doesn't over groom. The vet has suggested a teaspoonful of oil every day and a pinch of electrolytes on her meal in case she is seeking out salt or something. I'll be very interested in reading the replies you get.

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Thanks Gretel. What type of oil did the vet suggest?

He had a can of sardines last night with dinner, I would think the oil in that would of helped.

I never thought Novas grooming could be seeking for salt. I have seen him lick dirt and mud before though so maybe electrolytes are a good idea.

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Oh, I've just realised that one of mine has done this! I don't know which one as I've never seen anyone do it but I've just realised that I've found a couple of lumpy vomit things that would have been hair balls. I just never made the connection :o

Edited by Simply Grand
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Oh, I've just realised that one of mine has done this! I don't know which one as I've never seen anyone do it but I've just realised that I've found a couple of lumpy vomit things that would have been hair balls. I just never made the connection :o

If it's Quinn, Aussie sized furball vomit is a good 10cm across and sloppy.

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Sounds a plan :) - but ... when combined with other stuff , like grass/gristle the resulting mass could well be too large to pass thru the stomach sphincter anyhow - and vomiting oil is not advisable .

I suggest you Check with a vet - perhaps they can advise more correctly . I always gave paraffin to my cats regularly , and never had any trouble - and dogs who have any constipation also get a bit ...I guess with hair - it would be best before a large amount collects? (rather have them throw up than a lump get stuck ;) )

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