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Louis - One Year I M H A Survivor


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A year ago today Louis was diagnosed with Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), like most others whose dogs go down with this, I had never heard of it before. Learning about this condition and the high mortality rates was a very scary process :( My vets were fantastic throughout this and with their knowledge and care Louis fought his way through it and has now been drug free for 3 months.

It was frightening how quickly this developed, he was seemingly fine one day and then quiet and off his food the next. Initially a tummy bug was suspected, but after blood tests revealed an alarmingly low PCV we knew something else was going on. He became very lethargic, had very dark coloured urine and total loss of appetite. Further blood tests showed anaemia, spherocytes and agglutination and IMHA was diagnosed.

He had x-rays and ultrasounds to see if any tumours were lurking that could be the cause, but no underlying cause was ever found. Many people suspect it is related to vaccinations, but Louis last vaccines had been 3 years previously. However, about a month before we left them for three nights in the care of what turned out to be a house sitter from hell. While the animals were seeming fine when we returned (unlike the state of our house!) I wonder if he was totally stressed during those few days, and if this was the trigger? I'll never really know.

While many cases (of IMHA) may be classified as idiopathic, a recent stress event such as vaccination, drug, chemical or toxic exposure, surgery, hormonal change, infection, or injury within the previous 30-45 days may be identified as a potential trigger. http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/Immune-Mediated_Hemolytic_Anemia.htm

His treatment was basically a very dose of Pred and Atopica (Cyclosporin). The pred totally knocked him for six and had all sorts of side effects, but it saved his life while the Atopica kicked in. We weaned him off all pred by October, and he had his last dose of Atopica in February.

I guess I'm posting this as a celebration of my little buddy still being here with me - he is my heart dog and I don't think a day went by without tears during the early weeks of his diagnosis. But also to try to raise a bit of awareness about it, as it's one of those conditions that is just not known about until it hits, and it hits hard :(

Some useful links and support groups.





He also developed glaucoma and pancreatitis over the past few months, but looking at him now he is the dog he was before IMHA - cheeky and full of life and bounce and I love him to bits :D

Some phone snaps from the weekend :heart: :heart: :heart:





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A year ago today Louis was diagnosed with Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), like most others whose dogs go down with this, I had never heard of it before. Learning about this condition and the high mortality rates was a very scary process :( My vets were fantastic throughout this and with their knowledge and care Louis fought his way through it and has now been drug free for 3 months.


LOVE the tongue. Think it shows the spirit of Louis very well.

That must have been so stressful for you (both). Interesting to note what might possibily be the cause.

I have a dog who has vaccinosis. (Confirmed thanks to Dr Jean Dodds).

Informative posts like this are of such benefit for owners.

Happy we are celebrating a good outcome.

I wish Louis ( and you) many more years to come.


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Thanks LG :)

Give him bum scratches from me x

Will do :D

LOVE the tongue. Think it shows the spirit of Louis very well.

It does, but also seeing a nice pink tongue is one of the things you learn to keep an eye out for with IMHA dogs. Sorry one of your has vaccinosis :(

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My goodness ... a year already. But what a wonderful update. Having lost my first BC boy to IMHA, I've been following your journey with with great interest and increasing hope. You and your vets have done a fantastic job to bring him back to this happy cheeky absolutely gorgeous little man. Thanks so much for sharing that journey, and cheeky Louis with us.


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So sorry for your loss Tassie and Teebs :( I am so grateful Louis has so far beaten the stats.

He's so great, I still think of that photo of him sitting with his buddy on the couch laughing. A real little character I'm so glad he's doing well.

This one? it's the Chewy and Louis duo :D


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So sorry for your loss Tassie and Teebs :( I am so grateful Louis has so far beaten the stats.

He's so great, I still think of that photo of him sitting with his buddy on the couch laughing. A real little character I'm so glad he's doing well.

This one? it's the Chewy and Louis duo :D


I love that pic of our boys :) They were on form that day! And that's where the Louis Chewy romance began....... heehee!

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Thanks everyone, he had lots of extra cuddles yesterday :)

Wow what big hairy ears he has.

:laugh: They're great aren't they! The hair on his ears is also very different from his head, feet and tail hair which is normal hair. The stuff on his ears is soooo soft and silky, it's more like long rabbit fur :)

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