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Postponing/stopping A Bitches Season

Canine Coach

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If a bitch starts going into season at a very inconvenient time i.e., just before a big show, or at a time when the chosen

stud dog is not available, is there a way to stop/postpone the season? If so, 1)how far into the season can that be done 2) how is it done & what is the approximate cost 3)Will postponing a season affect the future fertility/hormones in some way? 4) how soon will the bitch go into season again & will it be a "normal" season 5) are there any negative side effects

Thanks in advance for those who may be experienced in this area

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All bitches can be different and I think this is a subject that may be best talked over with your vet.

We can tell of stories of nothing happening when a cycle is interfered with to horrific stories of what has happened when it has been.

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Would never do for the reasons listed .

Dog shows are never a reason to stop a season & a stud dog can collect semen or use plan B .

I would not be playing around with a breeding bitch cycle .

Yes ido now people who have done it & waited a long time for a regular cycle,

I now racing Greyhound people do it all the time

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