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Eosinophilic Granuloma


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Lexie is diagnosed with Ulcerative eosinophilic stomatitis... She is given antibiotic & prednisolone for few weeks..

Just want to know if any owner had their dogs diagnosed with Ulcerative eosinophilic stomatitis?

Does manuka honey and apple cider vinegar help?

Edited by ChewieTAG
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The herb Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) may provide beneficial as it corrects auto-immune disorders. You can buy it as an extract or powder.

Here are a couple of sites that you may like to read:



You could also Google on any side effects that Cats Claw may have (one warning I saw was about going to the Amazon and becoming hopelessly entangled in its claws)

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Sorry to hear Lexie is having such a difficult time - poor girl :(

I don't know about this condition but would suggest you discuss any alternative treatments you may be considering with your vet - you don't know the possible effects especially with the vinegar or herbs.

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The herb Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) may provide beneficial as it corrects auto-immune disorders. You can buy it as an extract or powder.

Here are a couple of sites that you may like to read:



You could also Google on any side effects that Cats Claw may have (one warning I saw was about going to the Amazon and becoming hopelessly entangled in its claws)

thanks for the info. what a weird name but I've Google it and seems to be very good for human too... thumbsup1.gif

Will ask around about it..

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

Just a little bit of update...

Vet wants to put Lexie for another month of Predisolone. She is with it for a month already.

She is healing from it but not 100% so vet wants to clear it off her before tuning down the dosage slowly.

Vet did said that he is surprised Lexie is so young to get such condition.

wonder if anyone has any opinion or recommendation?

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  • 4 months later...

seems like such a long period of time already but it seems like just yesterday Lexie was diagnose with this problem.

Vet from SASH still couldn't find out why her last ulcer area at the back of the throat would not go away. She went through twice biopsy (it came back after the first 'clean up') and comes back same result.

He is slowly believing it could be allergy to something rather than some viral / bacteria / virus..

So just done a blood test to see what else to rule out. She has done it 3 times already and every time different with valid explanation due to medications.

She was under predisolone for few months and now is off for a month or so already, but is given antibiotics which also works a little bit like Predisolone.

So now I'm at wits as not sure what to do or where to go..

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Guest crazydoglady99

Not sure if this is in anyway helpful (i do love the sound of my own voice).

My older dog has some immune type response to foods she is intolerant to. It seemed to be manageable until recently - I'm not sure what tipped the scale exactly.

I'd been to the vet repeatedly as she had recurrent ear infections and loose, jelly like bloody stools. But the vet (i saw 4 different people at the same practice) just shrugged it off as 'getting old' related.

One evening i noticed she had a swollen breast/nipple.. by the next day it was the size of a golf ball, red, hot and pus filled.. She did not have a temperature.

So naturally we race to the vet for antibiotics. The 'swollen' ball actually burst the following day and slowly went away. But then a few days later a pea size pus filled ball appeared on her eyelid..

I was just fortunate to have 2 kids home with gastro, do couldn't rush to the vet and potentially infect everyone. Being stuck at home forced me to - stop - think - heal my darling girl from the inside.

So I got some Probiotics. Put Aloe vera in with her water. And went back to square one with her food to be sure I could eliminate whatever was causing her body to have this response.

Within a week - I had a completely different dog. All the lumps disappeared, she was more alert, happy etc.

Since then i have started feeding her - taste of the wild - salmon/fish based, grain free dry food and she's had no reaction at all.

Anyway- sorry for the essay. I'm trying to say - sometimes it helps to stop, go back to square one and follow your own instinct rather than reacting.

Good luck.

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So now I'm at wits as not sure what to do or where to go..

ChewieTAG, I feel like that too after several weeks of consultations with vet at SASH.

AnimalLover99 has mentioned aloevera and it was mentioned to me by DOLer Steve and so I am about to PM her as to what she might recommend for my dog.

My dog has different symptoms from your little one, but heaps of medications and virtually no appetite.

Perhaps draw Steve's attention to this thread??

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My link

This is the best book you could ever own in my opinion

Hi Steve, I just click on ur link there's nothing about Eosinophilic Cranuloma or any other health issuses...

Broadly speaking there is.

The book describes using Aloe Vera for different treatments.

That was Steve's intention, I think.

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Guest crazydoglady99

Lol DDD!!! I bought an organic liquid Aloe vera to add to water too. I have since been learning more about aloe as i get my head around it I'll be sure to let you know if there are any better ways of consuming.

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My link

This is the best book you could ever own in my opinion

Hi Steve, I just click on ur link there's nothing about Eosinophilic Cranuloma or any other health issuses...

Broadly speaking there is.

The book describes using Aloe Vera for different treatments.

That was Steve's intention, I think.

This was not the link that I clicked on before..

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