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My Poor Boy Was Bitten Today.


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So sorry this happened SM. Even for the sake of the argument, let's say your dog does have an 'attitude problem', those dogs like you said were off lead and not in control of the owner. I hate when people try to pass blame for their irresponsible behaviour.


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while he was telling me that "this is all your fault, your dog has attitude".

What a bully. This is on a par with abusing the parking inspector for giving you a ticket when you've parked too long.

All dogs in off lead areas are supposed to be under effective control and they're not to harass (injury or not) other dogs, animals or people.

It's hard to tell if the café is in an on or off lead area. I'm guessing off lead - but the dogs are all still supposed to be under effective control and not harass or attack anyone or any dog or any other critter.

So do you quit going to a café because it's frequented by bullies who can't keep their dogs under control? I guess it's a risk. Could you carry a golf umbrella and inflate it in the bully dog and people's faces?

Or maybe talk to the council animal management people about checking up on dog behaviour around that café - tho, in the first incident described - everyone would have been in trouble.

As for hubby - from earlier posts - he seems like a risk also. I know one person who lost her heart dog because "hubby" didn't follow instructions and let that dog off lead and it got run over. Broke the relationship too.

Hopefully your hubby is more caring and careful.

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I think it's on lead -but not 100% sure of of the rules. The "Cafe" is actually a refurbished canteen attached to the cricket ground and as such, the counter of the cafe is very close to a play ground. Most people have their dogs on lead around the front and let them off around the back of the building. I might call the council, I have some time this week, and have a chat.

You're right about the first incident too - we were just as much at fault - pretty sure I said that up there. Hubby learnt a very valuable lesson too. He's been a trillion times more receptive to my suggestions since then. I couldn't imagine the feelings you'd have if you felt that your partner had been responsible for the death of a pet.

and yep - RiverStar-Aura - I'm going to clump this guy in with the parking and speeding find whingers!

Edited by Scottsmum
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Why is it that so many handlers of off leash dogs blame the on leash dog when there is a problem? Is it something to do with being irresponsible? i.e. irresponsible to have your dog off leash if it's an on leash area, irresponsible to leave an off leash dog unsupervised even if it's an off leash area, and then irresponsible not to accept responsibility if your off leash dog hassles another dog.

There my first post. Been reading for years.

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Why is it that so many handlers of off leash dogs blame the on leash dog when there is a problem? Is it something to do with being irresponsible? i.e. irresponsible to have your dog off leash if it's an on leash area, irresponsible to leave an off leash dog unsupervised even if it's an off leash area, and then irresponsible not to accept responsibility if your off leash dog hassles another dog.

There my first post. Been reading for years.

Welcome to visibility sarsaparilla! :) Good first post :thumbsup:

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I think it's a sort of universal anger we get when we're sprung doing something "naughty". And the off lead dog owner tends to redirect the anger outwards towards anyone but the person who deserves it ie themselves.

Like the parking ticket - some people - get angry with themselves and apologise to the inspector, and some people yell the inspector...

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Thanks Ranga and Yes I agree Mrs R B

In response to the OP. Train hubby. Rewards based training might be best for the longevity of your marriage. :)

Karen Pryor has a good chapter in Don't Shoot the Dog. Chapter 5. Reinforcement in the real world.

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