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Dog Drinking A Lot


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Hi I am probably just concerned about nothing but this morning my miniature schnauzer 12 months old drank so much water I have never seen her drink as much. She mostly just goes to the water bowl and drinks a small small amount throughout the day. I noticed the colour of her urine was also quite dark almost orange. What colour should it be?

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Pale to mid yellow I've always thought.

Darker urine indicates dehydration but certain illnesses also darken the urine so there's no way I'd suggest you diagnose one thing or another from the colour :o

She may have gone all night without a drink, so woke up thristy, had a big drink and then needed a pee and because she hadn't drunk all night she was a little bit dehydrated which showed up in her urine. No different to us if we forget to drink while we're out and about, nothing serious just 'oops, haven't had a drink for hours!'

How has she been for the rest of the morning?

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Keep a very close eye on her.

If she continues to drink a lot over the next couple of hours then take her to a vet as soon as possible. Excessive thirst coupled with dark coloured urine can be a sign of serious problems. Some of these conditions can become apparent very quickly and can need urgent attention.

Schnauzers are predisposed to several conditions that can cause these signs so if you are concerned it's best to get her checked ASAP.

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Thanks for that. She seems a bit sleepier than normal, not as active or attentive. I will keep an eye on her, we live close to a vet I won't hesitate to take her if she stays like this. I know mini schnauzers are predisposed to pancreatic conditions that's why I was asking.

Edited by Badbee
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Vet asap, my dog went down with IMHA last year. Dark urine and very lethargic. I don't want to scare you but I would get to a vet as soon as possible. Are her gums pale, is she eating?

edit to change he to she :o

Edited by CrazyCresties
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