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Male Dog Pants For Wee And Poo


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Hi All,

Mac's continence problems are gradually getting worse - having particular probs with small poo logs on the carpet at the moment as well as wee, regardless of whether I'm home or not. He's 15 in August so a very old dog, on Stilboestrel and I don't think its just bad behaviour as the wee is leaving a trickling trail. But the house-mate is returning from OS in a couple of weeks time and he's not very understanding - and I have to make this house-sit work for another 4-6 months if possible. So I need a solution.

Wondering if I should switch him back to Propalin to see if that helps? (Yes I'd talk to my vet first).

Googling can find plenty of pants (not belly bands) for girls but not for boys. Ideas please DOLers?

TIA. smile.gif

Edited by westiemum
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Thanks Dame Darling - I looked at her site but nothing except belly bands for the boys - and I need full pants for him now I think. Theres a UK site that does pants for boys for both wee and poo but going to be pretty expensive... I will go there if I have to but would prefer to find something Australian and cheaper if at all possible...

Edited by westiemum
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I bought kids disposable nappies (based on weight) and cut a cross for the tail (easier than a hole). I was using them for an incontinent old girl dog but it would be the same. The pee gets absorbed straight away and makes the pants heavy and droopy so it's pretty easy to tell they've done wees and need a change. As the nappies are not a snug fit the poos also just sort of drops into the pants. I never had any escape. Also never had any scalding from the pee. My girl tended to just stand up and go wherever she was so we usually saw her and changed her straight away. Oh and I put them on back to front - closure tabs on my dogs back rather than belly. I don't think it made any difference to absorbency.

I did also buy some washable kids waterproof pants and was going to cut a hole and overlock around it, just adding like Tena Ladies pads, but I decided they may not be as absorbent given I couldn't guarantee all the pee would hit the pad. At least with a nappy the whole thing is absorbent and waterproof/poo proof!

Edited by Little Gifts
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Ebay has some great bitches britches & belly bands, so cheap, but they are all in asia but they will ship & often its free shipping.



They are very cute.

They make disposable nappies for all size babies now so the tiniest may be ok.

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glad you're finding some solutions :)

pants seem to be an australian term, I have an english friend that found it funny that we called trousers, pants. Pants are apparently undies in the UK, I think it's the same in the US

either way britches definitely sounds like they're taking advantage of a bit of rhyming for marketing purposes :)

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I bought kids disposable nappies (based on weight) and cut a cross for the tail (easier than a hole). I was using them for an incontinent old girl dog but it would be the same. The pee gets absorbed straight away and makes the pants heavy and droopy so it's pretty easy to tell they've done wees and need a change. As the nappies are not a snug fit the poos also just sort of drops into the pants. I never had any escape. Also never had any scalding from the pee. My girl tended to just stand up and go wherever she was so we usually saw her and changed her straight away. Oh and I put them on back to front - closure tabs on my dogs back rather than belly. I don't think it made any difference to absorbency.

I did also buy some washable kids waterproof pants and was going to cut a hole and overlock around it, just adding like Tena Ladies pads, but I decided they may not be as absorbent given I couldn't guarantee all the pee would hit the pad. At least with a nappy the whole thing is absorbent and waterproof/poo proof!

Thanks for the advice.

The old boy needs 'assistance'.

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I don't know if it's of any help, Westiemum, but via the hair-DNA analysis and the herbal supplements prescribed in response to the results, my elderly Mum vastly improved in terms of bladder control and frequency.

Edited by Erny
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I go through Ross Wilson of Coburg Health & Nutrition (Vic). 03 9354 8007

I don't visit him - I send in hair sample via post and the supplements prescribed are managed by post as well. But there may be someone at least a bit more local to you which might be a bit more convenient? Perhaps even ring Ross and ask him if he's able to refer?? Don't know if the results will prove successful or not, but may be worth a try.

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