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My Apologies To All

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Hello I am Samantha (grylvr) and I am an idiot. I have offended and bad mouthed many people on this forum when all they were trying to do is help me and warn me off certain things and people. I caused havoc and have seriously pissed people off some even to the point they will no longer help new rescues get started. I am very sorry I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me but if you cant I will completely understand. Feel free to yell at me, cuss at me throw rocks at my house I deserve it for the crap I pulled. I whole heartily apologize to troy for turning his forums into a drama fest. This will never happen again.

The way I behaved was terrible and I am not proud of myself at all. I will say though that as far as the huge sydney based "rescue" everything you said was right on the mark and I had to learn that the hard way. My family was put through hell and back my daughter was attacked by a dog, we were verbally abused and threatened to have the big blokes forcibly remove my family from our home. God how I wish I had listened to you lot.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by HappyCamper
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Sam you have made an apology thread as people suggested and admitted to the fact that your behaviour was unacceptable so at least you have tried. If you have learnt your lesson and are willing to work with reputable rescue, and by that I mean take everything on board without thinking they are still having a go but really listening and putting what they tell you into practise I can't see how you can do much more. For some you will be burnt forever and you just have to cop that on the chin if you are serious about establishing yourself again as a rescue. I do wish you the best, as Maddy said no one wanted you to fail in the first place.

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Unlike many others here, I have met you in real life Sam... so I know that your words ring true here.

You certainly have learned a lot of things about rescue in Australia the hard way - but I think that the "trial by fire" you've had will only make you a much better rescuer in the long run... *grin*


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Unlike many others here, I have met you in real life Sam... so I know that your words ring true here.

You certainly have learned a lot of things about rescue in Australia the hard way - but I think that the "trial by fire" you've had will only make you a much better rescuer in the long run... *grin*


Thank you and yes rescue in Australia is well interesting. I had to find out on my own that there are people out there for financial and ego gain rescuing dogs. That people can really fool the hell out of you. Its sad when people dont put the dogs first. I guess they will always be around but I am just going to be a lot more weary of who I trust. I enjoyed meeting you and having a chat you are far from what I was lead to believe you were as I am sure everyone here is. Thanks for your kind words on the other thread.

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Hehe... I'm sure that some things said about me are not exactly complimentary... but everyone's entitled to their opinion now, aren't they? Especially those who've never met the person they are bad-mouthing... *grin*

I've met quite a few people who I may not see eye-to-eye with all the time, but I still have great respect for them and the work that they do in rescue... and have met others that I wouldn't cross the road to pee on if they were on fire... rescue is like that I reckon... lol!


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Thank you and yes rescue in Australia is well interesting. I had to find out on my own that there are people out there for financial and ego gain rescuing dogs. That people can really fool the hell out of you. Its sad when people dont put the dogs first. I guess they will always be around but I am just going to be a lot more weary of who I trust.

And you weren't putting your own ego first? You were a first class.......long before you moved to Sydney and greyhounds suffered because of you.

No real apology here, just trying to blame someone else for your behaviour.

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No I wasnt putting my ego first and no dog has suffered because of me. Even when I was in sydney I fought tooth and nail worked 10-12 hours a day to make sure the dogs in my care were happy and well cared for. I refused a $1000 bribe and went through a ton of stress to try to protect dogs and make sure they got a carer who cared for them. I fought in the tribunal just to try to get 90 more days with the dogs so others could find a proper carer for the dogs. I have always put the dogs first. I am not blaming anyone but myself for the way I acted.

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