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Lure Coursing - Photos Added


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Kirislin - I'm going to a lure coursing fun day in Perth on Sunday. Can I pick your brains for some photography tips please :D I plan on using my 150-600, but will also take my 70-200.

Advice welcome from anyone else too :D

Many thanks :)

Edited by CrazyCresties
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fast shutter speed unless you want to pan. :D If you can get down low it's effective, but if not feet well apart, steady stance so you can turn to follow them as they pass.

Edited by Kirislin
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Thanks for all the tips, I'm not going now today, but will remember them for next time :)

Kirislin are you after these details?

VC (stabilisation)


mfd - 2.7m

Weight - 1.95 kg

Cost, around $1300

Let me know if there is anything else you want to know :)

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  • 1 month later...

So I finally got to a lure coursing event a couple of weeks back and had a great time watching all the dogs enjoying themselves!

The photos were a bit hit and miss, managed about 100 ok-ish ones out of 900 taken! I'm not happy with the exposure on a lot of them, the grass colour is all over the place. I was on manual settings and had bright sun one second then cloud the next, so next time I might try shutter priority. The lens (Tamrom 150-600mm) did ok, I would have preferred my faster 70-200mm but wouldn't have had the reach. I might take both next time and see.

Anyway here are some pics, any advice or C&C welcome :)

Full set - https://www.flickr.com/gp/56265770@N02/4p09YM/









Edited by CrazyCresties
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I also love the 3rd one in particular, and I bet the owner of the dog would too if they see it. It's always hard conditions where I photograph too, sunlight and shadow and the angle. I wish I had a longer lens, I've only got the 70-200 and it's way too short for where we run. It was alot easier when I used to help the other whippet racing club on a round track.

I think you did a great job. If you felt brave you could try laying down although you cannot follow them as they pass then.

Sometimes I slow the shutter right down for panning shots, it's hit and miss but when you get it right it's pretty effective.

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Thanks everyone :) There were some great facial expressions happening that day :laugh: Kirislin, I've also popped them on the groups facebook page, so the owners will hopefully see them on there. Thanks for the previous tips - I hope to have a better keeper rate next time!

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WOW!!! Those photos are completely amazing!

I especially love the flying Amstaff one (3rd photo of the first group)... stunning!

Note to self - find out if there are lure coursing days in Sydney and drag camera along...


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