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Eye Problem


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That's interesting about your sister's dog LG, good that they weren't cancerous but not so good that she got three of them :(

Well Jenna is home, feeling very sorry for herself but she has had some chicken and rice for tea and is now snuggled up on the couch :)

Results will take about a week.

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We've been lucky overall though Teekay. That was really her first ever health issue and surgeries. I think it has aged her a bit but overall, for a large breed dog of almost 11 she is doing very well. I'm always amazed at how dogs bounce back from even the scariest of surgeries. Maybe because they just don't carry any emotional baggage with them!

Let's hope for good news next week with Jenna!

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Teekay, how is Jenna doing today?

Jenna is doing really well, thanks cavNrott. You can hardly tell she has had anything done to her eye at all :thumbsup: except for the gunk from having to put the eye cream in twice a day. She hasn't paid any attention to it at all though so I guess it can't be hurting much, if at all. Not sure how much feeling they would have in the third eyelid.

She is more bothered by her ear. The vet shaved the inside of her left ear because she said the outer part was red and sore, not the canal at all but the knobby bits (if you know what I mean :laugh: )She shaved it to make it easier to apply some neocort cream.

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Excellent news teekay. Good to hear she's doing well.

The poor girl probably has razor burn to the ear where she was shaved. My dogs always get razor burn if they need to be shaved at the vets for any reason. They shave them too closely. Now with razor burn she probably needs the Neocort more than she did in the first place.

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Got the pathology results from the lump on Jenna's eye today and it is relatively good news. The growth was malignant, it was a conjunctival hemangiosarcoma but they got good margins and these types of growths do not tend to metastasize. I will need to keep a look out for a recurrence which can happen but, for now, Jenna is in the clear. :thumbsup:

So glad we got onto it quickly :)

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