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Eye Problem


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Thought I would ask the advice of you good folk on here before taking Jenna off to the vets.

I noticed this little blood blister type thing in the corner of Jenna's eye a couple of days ago. I though maybe she had scratched it during one of the rough and tumbles with the other dogs so decided to just keep an eye on it. It is not bothering her at all.

There has been no change over about 3 or 4 days now. How long would you leave it till a vet visit was in order, bearing in mind Jenna hates the vets and examining her eye will be an bloody nightmare. Obviously if warranted I will take her anyway, but if it is just something simple that others on here have experienced, then great.



In sunlight


Wow it looks huge in those photos :scared: It is actually only a millimetre or two wide

Any ideas?

Edited by teekay
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I think I would be on my way to the vets. Mainly because this is a bit out of the ordinary and you don't know what may have caused it or what the implications might be of leaving it to see if it clears up or gets worse.

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Oh dear, looks like my poor Jenny is going to have to suck it up and go see the lovely vet lady. Thanks for the input guys, I will ring the vets Monday, unless it miraculously disappears between now and then. I can hope :)

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Thank you so much everyone, for telling me to go to the vets. Jenna had her appointment today and the vet says the thing in her eye is a growth which will need to be removed. Jenna has her operation tomorrow and the growth will be sent to Brisbane for analysis to see if it is benign or malignant :(

Please keep fingers and toes crossed for my Jenny Jen.

I Will keep this thread updated :)

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was the vet an eye specialist? I ask because a couple of years ago my whippet Kibah had a red spot on her actual eye. My vet was pretty sure it was a tumour and her eye would need to be removed, although luckily he did say to me to just watch it for a few days. Fortunately, I was getting an eye specialist out at the same time to see my horse, and I asked him to take a quick look at Kibie's eye. He said it's nothing to worry about and just watch it. It was just luck that I got him to look, otherwise Kibah would probably have had the eye removed.

I know yours is different but sometimes a 2nd opinion is worthwhile.

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Thanks for the reply Kirislin. No, the vet is not an eye specialist. TBH I wouldn't know where to go for a second opinion, I do not like the other vets in the area. I have been at these vets for many years now and have been referred to specialists a number of times before so I know they are quite happy to refer if they aren't sure about something. As it is only on her third eyelid I am hoping, as is the vets, that her eye will be fine, obviously depending on the pathology. The one thing I do know we have on our side is time. She hasn't had the growth long so I am fairly confident all will be well.

Dropped my girl off at 8:30 this morning and I pick her up at 4:30. Trying to keep busy :(

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Best of luck teekay - I'm sure it will all go well and she'll recover quickly.

If you do end up needing a specialist opinion later on, I know there is one at Albany Creek (Brisbane Northside). I haven't used them, but was looking into it recently.

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My sister's large breed started getting similar growths last year at the age of 10. The first one was burnt off but it grew back fairly quickly and she has since had three cut out. I'll have to ask my sister what they are called though when she gets out of bed (she's got a lergy). Her dog didn't miss a beat after any of the surgeries and they were not cancerous.

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