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Python Eats Family Dog


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I don't find ignorance a sufficient excuse here. Poor little dog would have suffered terribly.

How about getting a small companion dog and having them live in your house with you or not bothering to get a dog at all if you want to keep them outside and chained up?

I hope she never gets another pet, she doesn't deserve one.

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It's unfortunate the lady didn't know any better, but I'm sure it would be a very shocking and upsetting way to lose a beloved family pet, so i really feel for her too. What an awful thing to happen!

I don't feel sorry for her at all. A chiX chained to a crappy little plastic kennel at night in a known area of snakes, she's an idiot and the poor little dog paid the price for her stupidity.

I agree. I've had chis and there is no way in hell we would have left them outside, for weather reasons, predators (some birds of prey, snakes etc), they're only a few kgs and little companions :( poor mite.

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It was a tiny Chi cross - who owns a chi cross and keeps it outside on a chain???

Someone who should be prosecuted for stupidity causing death and ruled never to own a dog again.

It's unfortunate the lady didn't know any better, but I'm sure it would be a very shocking and upsetting way to lose a beloved family pet, so i really feel for her too. What an awful thing to happen!

I think you are being a tad generous, aliwake.

Quote: "Mrs Ulyatt said the dog's owner was upset but calm when she rang the wildlife service's hotline on Thursday morning."

A Chihuahua Maltese cross TETHERED BY A CHAIN in the yard. The woman has some serious screws loose as far as I am concerned.

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Hypothetical devils advocate here... Maybe the lady was newish to the area? maybe for some reason her fences were not up to scratch and she didn't want her dog wandering until she fixed them, and maybe her dog was one of the few that doesn't like being inside and is unhappy indoors? It happens. One of mine hated being indoors for most of his life. Would stress and fret until I let him outside so he could sleep on the back doorstep where he wanted to be. :shrug:

Probably none of the above but we don't know.

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Hypothetical devils advocate here... Maybe the lady was newish to the area? maybe for some reason her fences were not up to scratch and she didn't want her dog wandering until she fixed them, and maybe her dog was one of the few that doesn't like being inside and is unhappy indoors? It happens. One of mine hated being indoors for most of his life. Would stress and fret until I let him outside so he could sleep on the back doorstep where he wanted to be. :shrug:

Probably none of the above but we don't know.

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Hypothetical devils advocate here... Maybe the lady was newish to the area? maybe for some reason her fences were not up to scratch and she didn't want her dog wandering until she fixed them, and maybe her dog was one of the few that doesn't like being inside and is unhappy indoors? It happens. One of mine hated being indoors for most of his life. Would stress and fret until I let him outside so he could sleep on the back doorstep where he wanted to be. :shrug:

Probably none of the above but we don't know.

I respect your views "but" they are the rare exception rather then the rule, it is just "UNFORGIVABLE" :eek: :eek: :eek: to chain a small dog up outside.

Being new to the area is not an excuse nor a reason if anything it is more reason to have the dog inside where it will be safe if she has never lived on property in a new area, if you care/love your dog you will research the area you are going to be living in, it is a copout to plead ignorance :cry: :cry: :cry:

Was your dog under 5 kilos as this dog probably was.

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Hypothetical devils advocate here... Maybe the lady was newish to the area? maybe for some reason her fences were not up to scratch and she didn't want her dog wandering until she fixed them, and maybe her dog was one of the few that doesn't like being inside and is unhappy indoors? It happens. One of mine hated being indoors for most of his life. Would stress and fret until I let him outside so he could sleep on the back doorstep where he wanted to be. :shrug:

Probably none of the above but we don't know.

have you had Chis yourself?

I've rescued or fostered and owned many dogs over the last 15 years - most of whom were not housetrained so this generally means they haven't been inside. Dogs of all sizes by the way.

Not one ever preferred to be outside. Especially not the companion breeds like Chihuahuas.

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Playing Devil's Advocate is all very well, but common sense should come first.

Hypothetical devils advocate here...

I respect your views "but" they are the rare exception rather then the rule, it is just "UNFORGIVABLE" :eek: :eek: :eek: to chain a small dog up outside.

Being new to the area is not an excuse nor a reason if anything it is more reason to have the dog inside where it will be safe if she has never lived on property in a new area, if you care/love your dog you will research the area you are going to be living in, it is a copout to plead ignorance :cry: :cry: :cry:

Was your dog under 5 kilos as this dog probably was.

Couldn't agree with you more Keetamouse.

Poor little dog whose name isn't even mentioned. RIP :rainbowbridge:

Exactly :mad Referred to as "the dog" with not even mention of male or female. The stupid ignorant person is probably out getting another one today and regaling everyone of her "shocking" and "upsetting" experience ....... an relishing the attention. "Hey!! Did you see me in the paper?"

HUGE assumption I know so don't anyone bother to jump on me from a great height. I just feel for that little dog so much.

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:mad a chi x malt outside on a chain all night in that dirty old kennel exposed to weather and predators. Shameful.

Poor little dog whose name isn't even mentioned. RIP :rainbowbridge:

I totally agree, and what made me really angry was the lady looked happy when she was holding the snake. I would have been totally devastated and no way would any of my dogs be on a chain or left out at night. If you are not going to take good care of them properly don't have them. :mad

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Guest donatella

These stories makes me sick and petrified. Poor little dog, stupid thoughtless, careless owner. :( :( :(

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