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Stuck In A Training Rut...


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Naah, it's ok Terri S. You're right in terms of her "absolute-ness" and our dogs are individuals. If she's not careful, her "absolute-ness" will be narrowing her view too much and won't have her looking for alternatives/options that will work when other things don't. All the best, and happy training :) . Hope it continues to go well.

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If you can sell me on the harness idea then maybe I'll consider it but at the moment I really don't want to use one.

Then don't. For the life of me I do not understand WHY people want to put this gear on their dogs when TRAINING is what is required to stop a dog pulling.

Most front attach harnesses cross a dog's chest, restricting their front end movement. Why you'd want walk a dog that cannot fully extend its frontl legs beats me. confused.gif

It's better than leaving the dog to sit in the backyard all day.

At least they can get out and about even if they are relying on a harness or halti or whatever for control.

Unfortunately people aren't willing to put in the work into training a good loose leash walk. At least this way the dogs don't suffer (as much) and still get the chance for exercise and mental stimulation.

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