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Clear/translucent Anal Discharge


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Last 2 days my Rottie has gone to the toilet as normal, relatively normal/solid poo, then a hour or so later he tries again only to have a clear, translucent jelly type discharge, not large quantity but very strange looking, then an hour or so after that he has a nasty "squirt". Nothing out of the ordinary has happened except he had his last puppy shot on Wednesday. Has been off his food and seems very lethargic. He lives on Eukanuba Large Breed puppy food with a chicken neck or wing occasionally. Any ideas? Will go back to vet on Monday if its still happening.

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Clear jelly like poop generally indicates some irritation in the bowel. Could very well be a reaction to the vaccination but being that he is a black and tan dog I would be just a tiny bit wondering if it's a light dose of parvo. I don't want to alarm you but this is what first popped in to my head. Can you take his temperature? If not personally I would think about getting him to the vet today just to be safe. B&t dogs are more susceptible to parvo according to most research. Hope it's just a bit of a reaction though....

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Oh, and I cant get to vet until monday, I live out of town. Dont own a thermometer to take temp unfortunatly. His temp was normal on wednesday at vet. i just gave him some boiled chicken breast and he ate it all. No vomiting.

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Chances are it's not parvo but no vaccinations are full proof. Parvo can also be blown in on dust and given the current drought this is something to consider. Vaccinated dogs tend to get less ill if they catch the disease. Please watch him carefully (I'm sure you will!) and even if he seems better on Monday and it's all a false alarm, be aware that he *might * be showing you he doesn't tolerate vaccinations well. Could just be something he ate of course - hope it's that one :-)

Edited by Sandra777
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Thanks Sandra, hope your right. Ive owned Rotties before but this is my first pup so being a bit of a worry wort. He has been digging in some dirt that was brought on to property a year ago...so ya never know i guess. Really appreciate everyones advise.

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It could be something really mild or it could be something really nasty or something anywhere in between. It could be so many things really.

Mucus from anus is usually a small intestine issue, so often nothing overly serious, but don't take this as gospel.

Watch him like a hawk if you can't get him to the vet. Keep him quiet, continue with bland diet and keep him well hydrated.

If he gets flatter or starts vomiting or runny stools persist and become worse then it is urgent that you get him to the vet asap. At this age they can go down very quickly when they become unwell and a disease like parvo or corona is not something you can muck around with. Sandra is quite right, Rottis are susceptible to parvo.

Try and organise a plan of attack if by chance you do have to find a vet in an emergency over the weekend. Ensure he is being checked on at least half hrly over the remainder of the weekend.

It might even be giardia which is not as serious, but often they don't become lethargic with this unless they become significantly dehydrated. Could even be worms.

Hopefully he has just picked up a bit of something in the yard that has disagreed with him and he will bounce back fine.

There is a chance your pup has picked up a bug from the vet on Wednesday. Remember vets are constantly being visited by sick and contagious animals, though of course the staff do their best to prevent spread of disease with stringent cleaning protocol.

Note, vaccinations do not necessarily prevent illnesses. They decrease the chance of contracting it and lessen the severity.

Good luck with him and please let us know how you go. :)

Edited by Starkehre
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Hey thanks for that Starkeyre....trust me I will be keeping a VERY close eye on him. FYI, it shouldnt be worms, been wormed every 2 weeks since birth. I will get him to the vet in the morning if he's still showing symptoms.

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  On 08/03/2014 at 4:49 AM, benz said:

Hey thanks for that Starkeyre....trust me I will be keeping a VERY close eye on him. FYI, it shouldnt be worms, been wormed every 2 weeks since birth. I will get him to the vet in the morning if he's still showing symptoms.

Yr welcome benz and good on you.

As long as it is a good quality wormer you are using, I would suggest you drop back dosing to monthly now at least for another couple of months, then just every 3 months is fine. You don't want to be bombarding his system unnecessarily.

And if you definitely don't find any worms in his faeces, definitely don't worm him until he is over this issue :)

... and give him a big kiss from me.... and may we have some piccies please??? :D

Edited by Starkehre
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put him on a bland chicken and rice diet with some of the water the chicken was boiled in, small meals a few times a day. Being a puppy he could have just eaten some dirt, cat poo, sticks, plants, insects, etc etc etc. Parvo has quite a distinctive stench of incredible rotteness, not just doggy loose poo smell

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If you do come to suspect it could be a light dose of parvo can I suggest getting him tested just to be sure. At least that way even if he is fine if he has got parvo you will know not to allow others on to the property with young/unvaccinated dogs.

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If the pup had his vaccination on Wednesday, he may likely test positive for Parvo due to it being introduced in a small dose via the vaccine. This could cause a false positive...

I'd be more likely to look into vaccinosis as a diagnosis. Seen quite a few cases of it over the years - and most if not all tested positive to Parvo due to the recent vaccinations.

If you suspect your Rotti pup HAS Parvo, do NOT delay getting him to the vet for immediate treatment... Rotties are expecially sensitive to the disease. I've had a Rotti pup to the vet at the very first symptom, and he still passed away from the disease despite immediate and ongoing intensive care for 4 days.

Then again, he may be sensitive to the Eukanuba or has eaten a piece of chicken that wasn't quite right - or something in the yard has disagreed with his tummy. One of my male Rotties was a killer for the wierd poops if his diet changed in any way - and he had the jelly stuff happen quite often. He didn't get lethargic or go off his food or vomit though... just the liquid or jelly poops when he'd eaten something that didn't agree...


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Young Rotti pup + lethargy + off food + squirts + bowel mucous = need for vet check ASAP.

The cause for all of his signs could be one of many things, some not serious and could clear up of their own accord but some other causes could be dire in consequence and so a check up for him as soon as you can will be the best way to go.

* Edit for shokin speling !!

Edited by Wundahoo
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Good news i think, he seems to be much better today. I am hopeing it was just something he ate. I will still take him to vet tomorrow to be on the safe side. Thanks again to everyone for their advise and a kind ear.

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  On 08/03/2014 at 9:39 AM, Nekhbet said:

put him on a bland chicken and rice diet with some of the water the chicken was boiled in, small meals a few times a day. Being a puppy he could have just eaten some dirt, cat poo, sticks, plants, insects, etc etc etc. Parvo has quite a distinctive stench of incredible rotteness, not just doggy loose poo smell

Yep your probably right, he loves dirt, cat poo, sticks, plants, insects, etc etc etc. he seems to be eating ok now and his poo seems better. Thanks for your post

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