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bugs and lizards would be my favourites. I just went for a walk over to the river and kind of ended up in a dead tree with my face an inch from a bee hive with bees all over me!

And sat quietly until the Superb wrens came close. Not really great pictures but these little birds flit around at a gazillion miles an hour, are extremely shy and never still. I have never been able to get so close to them. Some baby ones out tonight.

and OMG look at the size of the Ladybug I spotted in the Passionfruit vine!! :eek:

sorry all a bit boring but that was the first time i'd walked across the road to the river in MONTHS!

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Fairy Wrens require a lot of patience, don't they? I can't believe you got TWO of them in the one photo!

Love the bees - you are much braver than i am for getting that close!

Haha at the ladybug... it's a whopper!


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I only shot one dog this week! A baby puppy for her first haircut.

And this little visitor right outside the front door of the salon kind of sums life up at the moment...... Hanging by a thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I left the damned camera home last week (i work/stay away from home 4 days a week). I finally picked it up again yesterday

......well hello there, who are you? (sorry crap picture taken in bed of a dog that is petrified of the clicks whizzes and lights of the camera!)

and after some seriously intense training and a whole bag of liver treats we are a little more comfortable with the camera :)

And feeling a little more at home

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They are simply gorgeous photos of a very good looking dog skyefool!

Does this gorgeous dog have a name?


No he doesn't. At the moment he has a 2 week trial period with me. I have such mixed emotions about becoming a full time dog owner again. If he is good and my conscience doesn't get the better of me he will need a name.

I saw Diddles & the Bobster a couple of weeks ago and I know in my heart that they can never come home. They are as happy as pigs in mud and I must not stand in the way of it.

I have a good feeling about this little guy. We'll see.

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He is a happy little thing. Apparently he is approx 10 months old. Goodness only knows what 'breeds' might be in there. I don't care a bit. He is the ultimate scruffer. He is around 18kg... a very sturdy little guy about the size of a medium/average female cattle dog.

He has plenty of training and learning ahead of him but he is quite manageable to start with, all things considered.

I took him out to the old property to meet Mr.Shivers, the little Chi X Iggy I left with my ex when I moved out. I really wasn't sure how he would react to the flea size pocket rocket. We walked up and down the fence for a while before going into the yard on lead. Mr.Shivers growled fiercely and lunged and carried on and to my absolute delight this guy didn't bat an eyelid, just got himself out of snatch range and play bowed incessantly just trying to make friends despite Mr.Shivers being a snappy little turnip. After a while I was pretty confident that my guy wasn't going to do anything aggressive despite Mr.Shivers carry on. So I let him off and he was so excellent. Mr.S kept reacting but my guy just kept up efforts to make friends and play bow at a respectful distance and did not once try to jump on Mr.S or whack him with a paw or anything. We all sat down and supervised and after almost an hour Mr.S finally gave up and had a short play, which i knew all along is what he really wanted to do. The little snot just had to make sure he was in charge first! I was so pleased with my guy. I think I finally have a dog that will get along super good with playful dogs!

Sorry you are all going to get sick to death of seeing this dog!

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