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Hey Persephone


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Just a shout out to you as a forum search tells me you are very familiar with stickfast fleas. :laugh:

I think I have picked most of them off Moose and Nacho, mostly around the ears but a couple in the paws are hard to get at because of all the fur. Moose also had 3 on his belly. You've said that Permoxin works well to kill them off and I just had a couple of q's if you don't mind. :)

1. Do I have to apply Permoxin repeatedly or will 1 - 2 treatments do the trick? I'm hoping they picked them up on a walk so they aren't living in the garden. After 20 odd years of dog ownership this is the very first time I've ever seen them.

2. Would I need to treat Zoe as well? She doesn't come on our long walks and is elderly so I'd like to avoid it if possible. She has no signs of having them.

3. Do you have an issue with them in the house or do they not really infest furniture? I'll be doing all the dog beds in a hot wash tomorrow.


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:) little beasts they are!!

we have use permoxin every week as a total soak ......or sometimes every few days if needed as a spray . Your little guys - I will give no recommendations .... :o

the easiest way to do feet is to put the solution in a cup/jar ..and leave feet soak for 20-30 seconds :) Those areas you mentioned are the ones most likely to have the stickfast - we find them sometimes around eyes as well.

the permoxin usually kills them - however , the bodies will often stay fixed - dead/dry, but still there ..

If all is well, the rinse/spray can be repeated ....

if you are in sand ..and cats/rabbits/birds may have come in..there may be home grown ones :( Hopefully they picked them up somewhere!

have fun ;)

Oh - we use a flea bomb for the house -

Edited by persephone
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Thanks very much pers! Really really hoping they aren't in the yard. :crossfingers: I couldn't believe how "sticky" they were! Very difficult to tweeze off... plus all the hair doesn't help. :laugh:

Is permoxin effective if sprayed on soil? Or just on the dog itself? :)

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