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Twelve Months Ago Today, I Lost My Precious Brianna


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It's 12 months today since we lost our beautiful Brianna. I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone! crying.gif

Brianna, I still miss you so much, my beautiful girl! Another little puppy girl joined our family five weeks ago, and we adore her, but we wish so much that you were still here too! You would have loved Melody, and I know she would have adored having you for a big sister. I will always love you, my darling. xxx


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Hi Wendy. The years will pass, but the memories will last.

I know this is a hard time for you,and the memories will be flooding back. My boy Tippy will have been gone a year in March too, and I understand totally how often you wish Melody and Brianna could have met, I find myself saying that to my Puppy all the time, but I firmly believe Brianna and Melody somehow already "know" one another, and she is happy there are puppy kisses in your house again.

Take time to sink into the memories Wendy, cry a little and smile a lot, that is what Brianna would want.


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