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Toilet Training


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We have two13 week old miniature poodle girls and they are both so good. They have a doggy door and go outside for toilet. They hold up all night as well. We have them restricted to our living area which is tiled. We would like to give them access to the rest of the house but sometimes when they go onto carpet they will pee. Does anyone have any tips on getting them to get past this. Could it be that they are distracted/excited or is it that they are not completely toilet trained?

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At 13 weeks they certainly won't be fully house trained, but it sounds like you're nearly there which is great :)

To increase their range I would be letting them on to the carpeted area only when I knew they had peed (ie actually witnessed them doing it) - and for 10-15 minutes to start with and only under supervision.

The problem is likely because the carpet feels much more like grass than tiles so they are a bit confused, but of course it could also be because this is a "new" place and they are overexcited. If this is the case then the best bet would be to allow them in the new area for only a few minutes, then take them outside, praise if they pee and work like this for a while - this will help to reinforce that carpet isn't grass and help them get used to a "new" place without making lots of mistakes, which only reinforces that it's OK to pee on carpet.

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Thx Sandra thx Aussie I will give this a go. It sounds a good plan and one that shouldn't result in much scolding! I tried it tonight and everything went well although they were smelling a spot where one of them had gone before. Obviously I hadn't cleaned enough so I got them out of there quick smart! But they had a good run and play until then. Hubby has now done some cleaning magic so it should be good now.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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