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The Cone Of Shame

Guest hanko

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Guest hankodie

Hank was desexed today and keeps fussing over his boy bits so the vet gave us a plastic elizabethan collar for him to wear. He HATES it but when I take it off he starts licking down there within a minute or two.

Will it be OK if he wears it overnight? Also, I assume I can't leave him unsupervised with it on but if I take it off I'm afraid he'll rip off his stitches :( I work from home tomorrow but have a meeting midday and don't know what to do.

He's a little stressed out when he wears it, he just stands there and looks sad and won't budge, I practically have to carry him to his bed and get him to lie down myself. But it's the best solution at the moment to stop the licking.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

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We kept the cone of shame on our boy for all 10 days when he was desexed bar about three hours where he was under very close supervision.

He was pretty miserable in it for the first couple of days and then spent the remaining week and a bit joyfully ramming the cone into the backs of our legs and learnt how to use it to tip things over to get food.

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He will get used to it after a little while and work out how to walk without catching the bottom on things. Just watch out for your calves. He will perfect running into them with the very sharp edge of the cone and it leaves bruises.

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Link ended up having to wear one for the entire 10 days she was stitched up as she was obsessively trying to pull them out. She was crated at night and during the day while we were at work (something she is used to- its a big crate) and there were no issues at all. I think the idea of them is that they are supposed to be worn at night and when you aren't home :) If they could be trusted unsupervised then they wouldn't need one in the first place!

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Cleo had to wear hers overnight for the first few nights and then she was fine. Helped that she had a collar with her name tag on it and I could hear if she moved, and if she licked.

I would leave it on him for tomorrow, even if it makes him sad, at least he's not licking or fussing at stitches - which would make both of you very sad lol. Cleo just sleeps when she has a cone on, she becomes very subdued and does puppy eyes (a nice change from a crazy dally!)

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Guest hankodie

We kept the cone of shame on our boy for all 10 days when he was desexed bar about three hours where he was under very close supervision.

He was pretty miserable in it for the first couple of days and then spent the remaining week and a bit joyfully ramming the cone into the backs of our legs and learnt how to use it to tip things over to get food.

Link ended up having to wear one for the entire 10 days she was stitched up as she was obsessively trying to pull them out. She was crated at night and during the day while we were at work (something she is used to- its a big crate) and there were no issues at all. I think the idea of them is that they are supposed to be worn at night and when you aren't home :) If they could be trusted unsupervised then they wouldn't need one in the first place!

Wow 10 days :eek: I forgot to ask the vet nurse how long he needs to keep it on but would it really be that long? He's acting like the end of the world is near, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle 10 days of this sooky act :laugh:

The crate is a good idea except he is a total klutz and I'm terrified he'll get stuck somehow :o

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Guest hankodie

Have you seen the Kong Cloud collars? I've heard they are really good. Might be harder to take off unsupervised if you can get one in the morning. I think Petbarn sells them.

Thanks Lisa, I just googled it. It looks like one of those neck pillows that you take with you on a flight :D I'll see how he goes overnight, might have to get one if I can't get anyone to watch him while I'm gone

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Guest hankodie

I would leave it on him for tomorrow, even if it makes him sad, at least he's not licking or fussing at stitches - which would make both of you very sad lol. Cleo just sleeps when she has a cone on, she becomes very subdued and does puppy eyes (a nice change from a crazy dally!)

This is Hank right now except he is completely still and catatonic and has not stopped staring at me since I put it back on him 30 mins ago. It's like he's afraid to move when it's on him!

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Don't pander to his sulking lol! After 24hrs he will be fine with the cone. :) We recommend keeping it on 24/7. Generally the wound will have 'taken' within a few days, but the stitches could still cause irritation. Perhaps after a few days, try taking it off and see what he does.

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Guest hankodie

He's in the study at the moment looking so sad and refusing to move. OH got him to take a few gentle steps but he ran into the door and froze, terrified. I feel so bad for laughing


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I've never had a male need a cone for desexing but I wouldn't imagine they would need it for more than a few days. They are dissolvable stitches aren't they? Female desexing is more intensive, Link had had 2 litters previously, and the stitches don't dissolve so we had to wait until the vet appt 10 days later to remove it. She was well and truly used to it by that time, in fact she hardly noticed it after the first 24hrs. She was being crated regardless as she wouldn't stop jumping on and off the lounge, running around with toys, or trying to engage in wrestling games with her daughters.

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Guest hankodie

That cone looks huge!! Can you make it any tighter? And maybe trim it a bit?

It fits quite snugly around his neck kirty, the vet fastened it with a piece of bandage going around the loops, I think it looks a lot bigger in the photo. Do you reckon I should trim it?

Otherwise I can get one of those Kong collars that Lisa suggested but it won't be until the morning :(

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Guest hankodie

I've never had a male need a cone for desexing but I wouldn't imagine they would need it for more than a few days. They are dissolvable stitches aren't they? Female desexing is more intensive, Link had had 2 litters previously, and the stitches don't dissolve so we had to wait until the vet appt 10 days later to remove it. She was well and truly used to it by that time, in fact she hardly noticed it after the first 24hrs. She was being crated regardless as she wouldn't stop jumping on and off the lounge, running around with toys, or trying to engage in wrestling games with her daughters.

Thanks for the advice DC. Yep they are dissolvable stitches.

He was almost going to go home without one but I had a feeling he'd need one since he just loves to "groom" down there. Then when I was talking to the vet he kept fussing over his boy bits so the vet went and grabbed me a collar for him.

He and his sister also go absolutely wild in the backyard at LEAST 3 times a day, they also love to wrestle, play tug, fly off the couch, basically every kind of rough play you can imagine so I'll have to put a stop to that for the next 7 days (a bit of a hard task when you've got 2 energetic dogs under the age of 3!)

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There is no way I'd be putting him in a crate with that on :( It will catch- make noise, pull at him , ...... Awful I have used them heaps - but never in a cage/crate.....

He won't be able to run around/chew- so why can't he just have a bed on the floor?Same when you go out :)

make sure he has a water bucket/dish high enough to reach without the cone banging on the ground ...

If you are concerned .. use a leash to tether him for a day or so ....

he WILL get used to it. For 24 hrs he will be feeling 'off' anyway..and will be very confused. Just carry on as normal ..even put a leash on him in the morning ..and walk him outside for 5 minutes ..let him know he can still do things :)

Do his training sessions with yummy treats ... :)

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Mosley had had to have the cone a few times for various injuries. He HATES it :laugh: as soon as it goes on he makes a sad face and starts wandering around head butting things *rollyeyes*

He always gets used to it though and I think you'll find Hank will get more used to it overnight, he'll be feeling more awake in the morning too :)

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