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Dog Rubbing Fur Off Chest?


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I have noticed that Josie is rubbing the fur off the deep part of her chest where she lies on it, it's not itchy or inflamed, I'm certain it just a side affect of her breed being deep chested and heavy combined with how she prefers to sleep.

She has a lovely cushy bed to sleep on so she's not sleeping on anything hard, any other suggestions of how to reduce it? It just looks like the same way babies that sleep on their back rub the hair off the back of their head.

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Unusual to experience hair loss in that spot. A photo would assist, but one of my first thoughts was the possibility of a thyroid issue. One of the symptoms of thyroiditis is poor hair growth. If her hair growth is retarded, this could be the reason why she is exhibiting a bald spot where her chest touches the ground when laying. Thinning of the hair from under the neck through to the chest is a common area affected in these cases.

Does she exhibit any other health issues, such as skin condition/s, dull coat, inexplicable weight gain, to mention only a few?

Edited by Erny
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