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Taliban Claims To Have Captured Gi Dog Named Colonel


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I found this on a site about animals in Islam. I have no idea if it's credible. But there's a reference to the Koran:

Animals in War

Even in war, animals cannot be killed except if needed for food. Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first Caliph after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(s) (632-634 A.C.) addressed the Muslim army at a place outside Medina, called Jorf, before sending them off for the battle of Muta. Among the instructions he gave to the soldiers was not to slaughter animals except for food. (The Qur'an, 22:40; Tabari III, p. 123).

Edited by mita
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Interesting that the Taliban spokesperson is quoted as saying Colonel is 'alive and well' .... & his fate would be determined later.

He added 'well'.

Just speculating ... but I wonder if they're thinking they might be able to strike a deal ...for something they want ... to return the dog, alive & well. Not that I'd expect the US military authorities to agree to something like that.

Edited by mita
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