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Help With Playpen Cover!


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The Adventure of Mr. Bear- A diary entry

Learnt a new trick last night, I can now climb out of my play pen and summon mum by scratching at her door.

Not sure why she's so concerned, there's just so much possibility for mischief when the humans aren't around!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I need to try to find some sort of cover we can put on top of his playpen, to stop him from pulling another escape tactic! I don't want to use a tarp as he won't get good airflow from the fan that way. Is there anything you guys can recommend that will still let the air flow through but prevent the little man from pulling another Houdini?

Butter wouldn't melt post-51325-0-18389100-1391559837_thumb.jpg

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Ah, gotta love that trick! How did he learn it? Do you put him in and out by going over the top, by any chance ;)

Instead of a playpen, do you have a room you can secure off with baby-gates (kitchen, or something with lino/tiles?). Or else, compost panels cable tied to the top, as a "lid", so he can't monkey out. And make sure you always have a door in the play pen to use when you put him in and out, rather than over the top.

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Lol - welcome to the world if incredible cat-climbing tibbies! Chewy has his own cat tree to play on..... We 'lost' him when we first brought him home (as an adult not puppy) - found him on top of a cupboard.

Minimax has some very good suggestions. A safe room barricaded off will probably be your best bet.

Sooooooo cute!!! Awwwwwww!!

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  On 05/02/2014 at 12:39 AM, TCB said:

I need to try to find some sort of cover we can put on top of his playpen, to stop him from pulling another escape tactic! I don't want to use a tarp as he won't get good airflow from the fan that way. Is there anything you guys can recommend that will still let the air flow through but prevent the little man from pulling another Houdini?

Go to Bunnings and in the compost bin section there are packs of four square wire panels that you can join together with cable ties. They cost $30 a pack.

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Tibbies are born with the gift of climbing like mountain goats ( along with the hare-feet that make it easy).

Good idea, minimax, about the baby gate. I have one for the front sunroom where I don't want our tibbies going.

I'd also put in the playpen each night an article of my clothing that strongly has my smell on it. Like an old unwashed T-shirt OK if he chews it, too). Or rub your hands all over his soft toys. Might bring him the comfort of his owner at night.

We lost out tibbie one night when she accidentally got locked out. Found her on a 10 ft high shelf in the storeroom. She'd climbed the step-ladder leaning against it.

Another owner was working up on his roof, when he felt a poke in his ribs. His tibbie had followed him... 'Hello, Dad!'

You'll have interesting times ahead with that gorgeous cutie. Love that face!

Edited by mita
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