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Sleeping On Floors

Guest hanko

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The physics of it is simple. Heat flows down a temperature gradient. If the floor is, say 22 C (or even 27 C) and their temp is 39 C, heat will be conducted from their body to the floor . . . rather like putting an ice pack on a sore joint. The tummy to floor posture maximizes the contact area, and because the tummy is often less hairy than the back, it also makes for higher heat transfer for the area in contact. Tile is a reasonably good conductor, wood a bit less so.

I can't see why the posture would be bad for hips. Evolution wouldn't favor a bone configuration that didn't tolerate a posture that is important for staying cool.

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Great pics. Love them all.

The dogs are fine sleeping on the floor as long as they have access to soft beds, which they will probably prefer when its cold again. Mine are all splatted out all over the house on the tiles too. The oldest is 12 soon & hard floors haven't done his joints any harm or any other old dog in the past. Its not like they are slung out on concrete with no bedding. That's a whole different scenario.

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My Goldie is the same. I have a lovely big bed for her & she spends hardly any time on it. During the night she prefers to lie on the floor next to the door (so I'm guessing yes, it's the draughts).

In winter time she's more likely to be cosy in her bed though.

I wouldn't worry about the young joints etc- I suspect its more of a problem when they get old.

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Askari alternates between the floor and his pet futon during summer, Jonah will sometimes stagger out of his crate and fall over sideways onto the wooden floor making you think he has had a stroke or something. Winter time its futons and crates all the way

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Maddie will lay on the floorboards when it's hot but not Stan, he likes his home comforts too much. So much so that when we put an old floor rug over some very gnarly tree roots from the pine trees in the yard so the dogs wouldn't hurt themselves, he won't even lay on the grass :laugh:


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Love that Stan!

All the photos are cute!

My two lay on the tiles too sometimes despite having a variety of beds to choose from. I do worry about my old boy getting up from them as his back legs aren't very strong anymore

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