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It's My 10th Anniversary


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More generally I remember the man who sued the breeder of his dog, but for the life of me I can't remember what about.

That would be Greyshaft. Sued for something which apparently the breeder SHOULD have known the dog could contract, presumably via crystal ball.

Was really a landmark case in many ways. Certainly from the point of view of breeders, it made many more aware of the benefits of testing for ANYTHING that might be known to a particular breed of dog.

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I'd never even thought about it, but I just checked and I'm nearly three weeks older than you. I joined Jan 02 2004.

Since I hang mostly in the rescue forum, I remember a fair few meltdowns there - the stolen Bulldog foster mother, the woman who claimed to be a rescuer and ended up with some meltdown about a child terrorising her neighbourhood. Good times. LOL

More generally I remember the man who sued the breeder of his dog, but for the life of me I can't remember what about.

Happy tenth anniversary HW - thanks for being a voice of reason and science for those years.

Happy Anniversary to you too! That stolen Bulldog story was a disaster :(

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I'm one of those, as you know, who has made the transition from pet owner (and rescuer) to exhibitor and breeder. DOL has brought many good things into my life including some of my dearest friends. It has also bought its times of stress including the time when I was (falsely) accused of trying to damage Cordelia's reputation. A very unpleasant affair it was too!

There have been occasions where the activities of the rescue fraternity made dog showing look like a church group.

Who can forget when the RSPCA was called on Rozzie. :cry:

By the same token, the way the DOL community has responded to members in crisis has been nothing short of inspirational.

And of course who can ever forget the story of Leo the poodle. So thankful he ended up in a great home after all he had been through.

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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Rescues call the RSPCA on each other too... if there was ever a haven for crazy people, it would definitely be in rescue... errr! I've never met a more "interesting" bunch of people...

Then again, rescue also has some that are the most selfless and kind people that have ever walked the earth... thankfully I've met a handful of them too... *grin*

You and I have had our disagreements here HW... but I will always count you as one of the "good guys"... we don't always have to agree, and it makes for some lively discussions, doesn't it?


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I'm almost up to 8 years but it doesn't look like it because I got muddled a couple of times with job changes, email changes and forgetting how to log in :(

Congrats HW and Staffyluv! And Aphra!

I miss Cordy and Greytmate and many others. I remember kabukigirl and watching the Beausmum meltdown in real time and Rozzie's nightmare and Paige's star and Leo the Lionhearted and meeting DOLers at chinaplate's (Norma's) funeral. PP was just before my time.

G\/\/atemate's r button got stuck once! Edit - was it w? Anyway it was hilarious at the time :)

DOL saved my sanity when I was sitting in Orkney at 2am with the radio in the next empty room going full blast!

I've gone from inexperienced owner of a mixed breed pet shop puppy (still the most beautiful dog in the world) then into rescue - with Leaky Ted and the Maggot and a lovely procession of Labs and our best foster failure Jodie - and now own a pure breed DOL special Lab puppy :thumbsup:

Edited by Katdogs
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Wow this thread is like a blast from the past!

Coming up to 8 years on DOL for me this year. :)

When I joined DOL I was a pet owner looking for a puppy, now through being on DOL I have met my best friends, became a dog sports competitor, an obedience instructor (though I don't instruct at a club any more) got my dream job and embarked on a new career, and now I handle and live with a breed of dog I had never even heard of before joining DOL! And she is the love of my life :love:

And I am even friends with HW/PF on Facebook :cool: which I wasn't even on when I first joined DOL!

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Rescues call the RSPCA on each other too... if there was ever a haven for crazy people, it would definitely be in rescue... errr! I've never met a more "interesting" bunch of people...

Then again, rescue also has some that are the most selfless and kind people that have ever walked the earth... thankfully I've met a handful of them too... *grin*

You and I have had our disagreements here HW... but I will always count you as one of the "good guys"... we don't always have to agree, and it makes for some lively discussions, doesn't it?


If memory serves me correctly, it was a rescuer who the smart money was on for calling the RSPCA on Rozzie.

Yep, had some very vigorous disagreements here and no doubt there are more to come. I doubt I'm on some people's fan list but I do try to stick to the argument and not get personal.

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Happy Anniversay HW - Its been a good ride

I sort of dont like to be pushy but so far this forum'Troy hasnt been nominated for an award - first time since we started the awards almost 8 years ago

Someone surely should do that before tomorrow night My link

Its going to be hard to get him to Melbourne in May if he isn't nominated

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Yep, had some very vigorous disagreements here and no doubt there are more to come. I doubt I'm on some people's fan list but I do try to stick to the argument and not get personal.

And that's what I admire about you HW, you have the knowledge and experience to back up your opinion as well.

Congrats on 10 years, my how DOL has changed in that time and not for the better in my opinion.

I miss Greytmate and some other members who added a lot of flavour to the forums.

Edited by dogmad
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Congratulations! :champagne:

I first discovered DOL in 2002.

I think the community has changed a lot since then and I agree that it was better in the past. I think this is because there were more breeders/exhibitors back then.

But I’m glad that it exists and I have learnt a lot in the short time that I've been posting.

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Happy anniversary HW (and all the other 10-yearers :) )

I don't post a lot but I read a heap, and I'm always impressed with the wealth of knowledge available. I wouldn't have my beautiful Fleming if it wasn't for DOL - he's a failed foster :D

Wow - I just realised I'm coming up for 8 years myself - I thought it was about 5 !!

Edited by MadWoofter
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Congratulations! :champagne:

I first discovered DOL in 2002.

I think the community has changed a lot since then and I agree that it was better in the past. I think this is because there were more breeders/exhibitors back then.

But I’m glad that it exists and I have learnt a lot in the short time that I've been posting.

I dont miss the attacks that used to occur, it's alot milder now.

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