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Dog Allergies


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We have a mini schnauzer she is 10 months old Abby and has a few lumps and bumps on her front paws that she scratches not all the tine but at times. Some have formed into white pimples. We live in a coastal area with lots of different grasses. We have gotten rid of the wandering Jew that we had a small patch of but she continues to be getting these little bumps. They are mostly on the front of her paws or on her bottom as if when she squats her bottom must touch the grass. we thought they were going away but seem to be getting worse. We have resorted to putting on a small amount of hydrocortisone cream and that does give her some relief. It's difficult to know if she is getting these from our garden or from the walks we take which are often on grassie areas. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what night cause this or how to treat it.

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I would advise going and asking a vet ..it's hard to treat something when you don't know what it may be . It may not be an allergic reaction at all !! :)

make an appointment and get it checked out ..then you can implement a management program .. ( oh, and don't put anything on the area prior to visiting the vet - the vet needs to see it at its worst )

these unknown things are frustrating :(

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In the meanwhile of working out where this is coming from (and don't exclude diet in that), use Calendula Tea to bathe your dog's paws and butt. Refer to the health forum. Current topic is "OMG Calendula Tea works!!" (or something like that).

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Trip to the vet :) it could be all sorts of things.

My dog is highly alleric to grass or something in it from October to March (sometimes a bit earlier or later). He breaks out in rashes and gets very hot. He's managed with cortisone and aloveen conditioner on his itchy spots. He is also pretty much housebound except for toilet breaks as even a walk down the street can cause him to stop, drop and crawl to scratch his stomach.

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