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Canberra man found 'covered in blood' after dog attack

DateJanuary 23, 2014 - 9:59AM

A 71-year-old man was found "covered in blood and with numerous injuries" after a dog attack on the front lawns of Old Parliament House on Wednesday, police said.

Police were called to the scene about 10.40am after receiving reports of two men fighting, with one man beating the other with a large stick.

When they arrived, police found the victim bloody and injured and he was taken to Canberra Hospital for treatment.

The Parkes resident said he had been attacked by a man and his dog - believed to be a bull mastiff, or a similar breed - which he claimed had mauled him.

"It is alleged the offender threatened to attack him further," police said.

Police arrested a 40-year-old man at about 12.15pm and charged him with assault and allowing a dog to attack a person.

The man was notified his dog would be seized by Domestic Animal Services.

He will face court next month.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberra-man-found-covered-in-blood-after-dog-attack-20140123-319xw.html#ixzz2rDbaIQbb

At least the guy was arrested. Fortunately, such people are few and far between.

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There's not a lot of information in that article, but it suggests to me that both the men are residents of the tent embassy at Old Parliament House, given that they say the victim is a resident of Parkes (and I'm presuming they mean the suburb in the ACT, not Parkes NSW) and that the attack happened on the lawns of OPH.

Not that I want to downplay this incident at all, but the brawling is a fairly common occurrence amongst these residents.

Involving his dog and using a stick against an elderly man is sickening, regardless of the circumstances.

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There's not a lot of information in that article, but it suggests to me that both the men are residents of the tent embassy at Old Parliament House, given that they say the victim is a resident of Parkes (and I'm presuming they mean the suburb in the ACT, not Parkes NSW) and that the attack happened on the lawns of OPH.

Not that I want to downplay this incident at all, but the brawling is a fairly common occurrence amongst these residents.

Involving his dog and using a stick against an elderly man is sickening, regardless of the circumstances.

That place should be taken down, a lot has gone in the past couple of years, it served it's purpose in it's day but needs to go completely.

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