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Can You Reverse Search Stud Dogs?


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There is a site for different breeds, it is set up in Russia but it has the site in English, it is my bible for Frenchies.

The site is Ingrus,once a dog is registered on there, who knows the boy you are looking at could be on there if his owner has registered him, when you have the dog up you scroll down to the bottom and there is the extended pedigree most times with pictures of the dogs on there and if you keep clicking on a dog in the pedigree it takes you way way back, an amazing site.

Costs you nothing to join, it is a bit like doing your won family tree.

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Maybe that particular dog you are interested in is not on there, so then you can work this site if you know perhaps his parentage, you can work things out going forward, it is better that you do know the parents or a dog in particular that he would have in his pedigree to work his heritage out, it is a very addictive site for me, I could spend hours on there, it also lists siblings and titles of the dog and his/her offspring, have fun with it.

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