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Dog Number 3


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I've been contemplating adding a third dog to my family but have hit a stumbling block. I have a few breeds narrowed down but that's not really my issue. The more I think about adding a dog, the more I'm wondering if I really want/need another one, or whether I want another one for the sake of getting another.

My logic side is saying that I already have two youngish dogs (one is 4 1/2 the other 2 1/2) who still need a lot of work, then on the other side, the work I need to do with them involves one-on-one sessions that I'm struggling with because I hate the idea of leaving one behind alone. Kirah, the youngest one, has never really done anything without myself and Zeus present so she's used to us being around. Because of this, I'm always feeling guilty when I leave one or the other behind alone.

Having said that, I've been getting more and more interested in the world of showing and would really like to give this a go and the more reading of show results I do, the more and more I want to show. Kirah is on limited reg so not a show prospect and Zeus is a cross breed. Annoyingly there's a flip side to this too; I've just really started getting into agility with Zeus and he's loving it and absolutely thriving. I've been trying to get Zeus into agility for about 2 1/2 years now and have only just really found a club I like. Kirah I wish I could get into agility but I'm such a useless owner when it comes to her that I just don't think it's something she's destined for. She's very stubborn and strong-willed and I'm not determined or strong enough to put her in her place!

In the grand scheme of things I guess I've answered my own questions here that no I'm not ready to add another dog, I guess I just needed to write this stuff down. I think I'd be much better off working hard with the two I currently have and maximising their full potential. They're both great dogs but I think it's the fact that the dog world is so much larger than I'd ever realised that is so tempting. I love dogs and all they're capable of achieving that it's hard to not want to be a huge part of it!

Thanks for letting me get this post off my chest -- it doesn't require comments or thoughts but they'd be appreciated nonetheless!

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Oh how I wish you didn't mention the Saluki. They're currently sitting equal first on my list along with another Aussie Terrier. Aussies will always be my heart breed -- they have such wonderful spirits and such toughness and loyalty -- but owning Zeus my beagle cross, I've developed such a love of sighthounds and Zeus acts far more like one than a scent hound. He's tall and lanky, built like a Saluki and he's got a keen eye and tends to search by sight rather than scent. If it moves, he chases, but when he's still, he's just so lazy and chilled out! He loves to just lie and sleep next to his favourite humans, but boy can he motor when his legs get going. :heart:

I guess I still really REALLY want another dog, but now is not the time. :(

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It can be very hard when your heart fights against your head, I said we were stopping at 3 I was quite happy with that but the last two just came along, one intentionally and one foster failure.

Having two was great, I really miss it because it means they can go places with us more often, with three that becomes a bit more hassle. However having the odd number as you suggested does allow more one on one without anyone being left out.

The other thing to think about going from two to three you will start to see more pack behaviour so you will need to consider the problems that can crop up if not managed well.

I have learnt over the years having dogs of similar ages is easier especially as they get older and their exercise requirements change but it does become very expensive.

Our dogs range from almost 13 down to just turned 1, we normally have to do two walks to cater for their needs, even then Rascal has to have extra ball throwing etc. to be satisfied.

If it were me I would get involved in the dog world more over the next year or two, let the dogs you have get a bit older then consider a third.

Good luck either way sounds like you have lucky dogs.

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Personally, I've resolved to get a new dog no more often than once every four years. That saves me from the bind of ending out with multiple oldies -- and attendant sorrows and vet bills -- at once.

this is my problem now. I have a 15yo, 14yo, 12yo and 2 rising 10. :( I said to a friend just today I think I need to space a new dog to every 5 years or thereabouts from now on.

Good luck in your decision River star.

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I have four dogs over 12 years of age. I've currently got a foster who was supposed to be old but was very neglected and due to health and behavioural issues, is not a great candidate for adoption. He's about 6 and I'm thinking about keeping him. It is hard work having multiple dogs and my life changed because once I'd gone above 2, I could no longer take them everywhere with me ...

Just depends how well you'll manage it and what support you have around you too.

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It's definitely worth teaching your current dogs to be left alone - it makes life so much easier training wise. I can leave both mine at home, take one or take both and they just take it in their stride. My next pup will be another working gundog (current dogs are 7.5 and 3.5) so my Dally will still be left at home sometimes when we do gundog training and trialling. I put a lot of time and emphasis on foundation work into my pups so it's nice to have my adult dogs well established in their respective sports - plus I've had the chance to make lots of mistakes and know what I'm going to do differently!

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Doesn't matter how many pets I had, I always felt guilty about leaving any behind :)

I got a second indoor cat because I felt bad about the first cat being in the house alone when I went out and that did wreck the relationship I had with the first cat!

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I'd love a third greyhound but Maddie is a biatch so that's the end of that :( Stan is so placid he puts up with her bossy ways and they really do love each other but adding another would upset the applecart and I'm not willing to take the risk.

Edited by HazyWal
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I like how you did the whole discussion yourself in the first post :laugh:

It does sound like the time is not quite right yet, and it will make it that much more exciting when you do get to do it. Thinking about the age gap is a good point, and havent had dogs long enough to deal with oldies yet but there are only 2.5 years between the oldest and youngest of my three so they will all be oldies at once.

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I am not a good one to ask, I have five aged from 11,10,10,9 and then 2.5 so its a very busy house. I get up at 4.30 every day so I can walk the younger one first then I walk the other four together. I need to do this before I go to work, then hubby is home with them during the day and I am with them at night. They have access into the family 24/7 and they are quite happy to snooze for most of the day.

I spend eight hours every second weekend bathing blow drying and grooming them all.

Sometimes I wish I had less dogs because they do miss out on lots of outings because its too hard with five. My youngest one the Newfoundland is a show dog so he does get to go on outings alone.

The cost of getting them minded means we have very few holidays, and the food and vet bills sure mount up.

So my advice would be to stick to the two you have and if showing interests you go to a few shows and ask questions and see if its what you really want to do.

Edited by mish13
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My 4 age in range between 11 at the oldest and 4.5 at the youngest, even though the 11yo is still going like she's 3. :laugh: She has no trouble doing long walks or runs. But it is a bit of a pain to take them all out; usually it has to be split, which can be such a pain. Carl and Mischa are 'my' dogs so they just do their thing with me but I always feel guilty when Cleo and Jag get left out :( I do think about adding a fifth dog so that Jag (4) has a playmate, since Carl is at least 8 (rescue, not sure on age) and wants to sleep most of the day after his walk.

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Have recently lost our oldest two girls we are now down to two girls aged 4 and 2 years. I had forgotten how easy life is when you only have 2 dogs. But you can also spend vast amounts of time amusing yourself and doing research by asking questions like "what kind of puppy should we get next? Another BC for me? Another Brittany for Simon? Boy or girl? (last 4 have been girls)... Something completely different?". This can be endlessly fascinating and is great if you have a dog-loving friend also doing research, so you can discuss it for hours without boring anyone else :laugh: . When Maddie was 6 and KC was 4 back in 2006 I decided the time was right to get another BC as that was a 4 year age gap which seemed good timing, but I spent a further three years until KC was 7, happily in the research stage before adding...a third female BC! Then 2 years after that Scout the Brittany joined us so I still haven't quite mastered my ideal 4 year age gap.

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Have recently lost our oldest two girls we are now down to two girls aged 4 and 2 years. I had forgotten how easy life is when you only have 2 dogs. But you can also spend vast amounts of time amusing yourself and doing research by asking questions like "what kind of puppy should we get next? Another BC for me? Another Brittany for Simon? Boy or girl? (last 4 have been girls)... Something completely different?". This can be endlessly fascinating and is great if you have a dog-loving friend also doing research, so you can discuss it for hours without boring anyone else :laugh: . When Maddie was 6 and KC was 4 back in 2006 I decided the time was right to get another BC as that was a 4 year age gap which seemed good timing, but I spent a further three years until KC was 7, happily in the research stage before adding...a third female BC! Then 2 years after that Scout the Brittany joined us so I still haven't quite mastered my ideal 4 year age gap.

I love doing this too! The only problem is I don't know anyone else who enjoys this very much, so I'm stuck doing it solo like a sad, lone little dog geek. :D

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