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Watch Out For Grass Seeds


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It's the season for grass seeds. Having a short haired breed this hasn't usually been a problem for my dogs but I got a surprise last night. I noticed Tag seemed to have a lump on his face where his big molars are. I've seen this before in dogs with filthy teeth when they get abcesses, but my dogs teeth are immaculate so I checked it out. I felt up under his lip and felt something sharp. I thought it must be a bone shard but when I managed to pull it out I discovered it was a bloody grass seed working its way into his head! He was such a good boy and didn't struggle or even flinch. It's left a hole and this morning there's still a lump but I'm hoping it will be ok without AB's.

I've got some awful grasses growing here now after an agistee brought in hay. It's amazing how much rubbish grass and weeds are spread around the country from bad hay. :mad

I was lucky I got this one before it completely disappeared inside him.

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Horrible things that they are. Touch wood we haven't had any this year that require vet care and I want to keep it that way.

Get well soon poor Tag :hug:.

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years ago Penny whippet got one in her ear and shook her head so much she got a haematoma. I had to treat it very carefully so she didn't end up with a cauliflower ear. One of my old girls got one in her neck when we lived in Qld.

I think Tag was really lucky I noticed the lump on his face last night though. It probably would have been inside him by today and required surgery to remove, that's if they would even be able to find the damn thing.

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I was patting Casper's chest last night and felt the tell-tale rice-shaped lump. I needed a torch and tweezers to pull it out, there was only the minutest little bit still sticking out. It's a good feeling when the whole thing comes out though! This is the first time he got one whereas Bella used to get them all the time. I think a couple of them made it all the way in with her :(

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