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Danarama Pups


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Is the breeder not willing to share some of their puppy people info with you? If not you could request they forward your contact onto the others.

Either way, there may not even be any in this state.

good luck in your searches. :)

She said due to privacy reasons she cannot divulge any info and I did offer for her to give out my email address but she also said she could not do that either :( I would love to see what the rest of the litter look like

And quite rightly, no breeder should divulge any other puppy buyers' details. My apologies for not explaining myself fully.

Occasionally, even quite often in our breed puppy buyers end up meeting one another whilst puppies are babies, on a breeders FB page, during the take over period and then again later on at club training etc. With permission from individual new owners, swapping details via the breeder would be perfectly acceptable and even encouraged if it is something both parties wanted to do.

If the breeder does not wish to forward your details onto others that might be happy to have contact with you, that is absolutely her prerogative, but it would be a case of her not wishing to, not that she couldn't.

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I understand her not wanting to share other puppy buyers details but don't understand why she won't give them your details and leave it up to the individual buyers if they want to get in touch.

Seems harmless enough.

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I understand her not wanting to share other puppy buyers details but don't understand why she won't give them your details and leave it up to the individual buyers if they want to get in touch.

Seems harmless enough.

I agree, I don't understand it either, surely the other buyers can make their own decision whether they want to make contact or not!?

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Is the breeder not willing to share some of their puppy people info with you? If not you could request they forward your contact onto the others.

Either way, there may not even be any in this state.

good luck in your searches. :)

She said due to privacy reasons she cannot divulge any info and I did offer for her to give out my email address but she also said she could not do that either :( I would love to see what the rest of the litter look like

And quite rightly, no breeder should divulge any other puppy buyers' details. My apologies for not explaining myself fully.

Occasionally, even quite often in our breed puppy buyers end up meeting one another whilst puppies are babies, on a breeders FB page, during the take over period and then again later on at club training etc. With permission from individual new owners, swapping details via the breeder would be perfectly acceptable and even encouraged if it is something both parties wanted to do.

If the breeder does not wish to forward your details onto others that might be happy to have contact with you, that is absolutely her prerogative, but it would be a case of her not wishing to, not that she couldn't.

The breeder of Gus has a lovely facebook page for puppy buyers and to keep us all posted on her dogs, some of Gus’s littermates are owned by people I would call very good friends. There’s also a flatcoats Australia facebook, which is obviously less of a task than a Golden Retriever one, that would certainly be busier! But I’ve met some really firm friends on there too. It’s a lovely resource and makes contact and updates very easy!
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I'm in touch with many other owners of dogs from my breeder via a closed group on facebook. I love it! Seeing other dogs grow from the litter my boy is from and dogs from other matings is awesome. Gives me a better idea of the dogs my breeder produces and feels like a little community. Photos videos and stories are shared almost daily. Also prior to purchase of my pup my breeder was willing to contact other owners near where I live so i could visit them and see the dogs she breeds. My breeder is in Sydney and I'm on the Gold Coast.

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