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Akitas Growth Stopped


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Maybe you should read the standard.

Akita (Japanese)

I suspect you have posted the wrong standard? The OP is much more likely to have an Akita than an Akita (Japanese), unless you have more specific knowledge of their situation.

Na, lol. just didn't look properly. sorry.

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A previous thread started by the OP spoke about their desire to show their Akita, but the Akita was on limited reg.

Crablord did you end up sending pics and videos to your breeder for assessment on your boy? If so what did they say, were they happy for you to show him? Agree with what everyone else has said, that biggest isn't always best. And he still has growing left to do at 8 months old.

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Your dog is a baby!!

My samoyeds aren't finished growing at 8 months and they're quite a bit smaller then an Akita.

For heaven sake stop stressing about the weight of your dog. He should end up correct for the breed, not some massive animal that doesn't look like an akita should because that's sounding like what you're after.

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What's the best way to post pics on here on my mobile.

If you're still around Crablord, pm me and I'll put the photos up for you if it's not working from your phone.

For what it's worth, my boy is coming up to 3yo and is a twitch under 29" and 55kg (not a show dog :-)

My first boy did a lot of growing after 8mo - got to about 45kg, probably within standard, not from huge lines.

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Please read this.

-I love my dog

Some of these posts have been very helpful, others aggravating.

My dogs lines are good. His father was 24months when he bred and was 52kg.

I know 8 months is still young in akita standards. The only reason I'm showing concern is because of the weight not moving, in fact some days going down, after almost 7 weeks now. I've not measured his heights, but my friends come over fortnightly and have commented saying he's not getting bigger. Obviously, that's not a professional analysis. But human are born with height/weight perception and can obviously tell if something is smaller or larger.

If my dog doesn't grow more, that's life, I love my dog. I was merely trying to get opinions.


Hopefully this pic works.

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Your boy is handsome, I love his little 'lightning bolt' on his forehead.

Your boy looks great, very loved and a good size from the photos. He might become heavier or maybe he won't. Maybe the sire was 52 kgs as he was big boned?

We had another Akita, 4 years old and he was 40 kgs and narrower in build.

Try not to get too focused on the weight side of things, unless it will really bother you long term. He really is a handsome boy. Have you spoken to your breeder?

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To me from the photos he still sppears to have growth bumps on his front legs. Those growth plates close over first, then the ones in the upper arms, so even if the ones just above the carpus have closed he will still have some height left to grow.

He does still look quite immature to me, but I don't know a lot about Akitas.

Could his breeder measure him for you? He may well be not gaining any weight as he is getting taller?

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Your boy is handsome, I love his little 'lightning bolt' on his forehead.

Your boy looks great, very loved and a good size from the photos. He might become heavier or maybe he won't. Maybe the sire was 52 kgs as he was big boned?

We had another Akita, 4 years old and he was 40 kgs and narrower in build.

Try not to get too focused on the weight side of things, unless it will really bother you long term. He really is a handsome boy. Have you spoken to your breeder?

The breeder isn't returning my messages.

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has he had anaesthetic? noticed the shaved patch ....

He had a very bad case of grass seeds. Some were really bad that needed to be shaved. Was very sad for him but it's alright now.

All I have is her mobile number. I can't seem to find the website anymore.

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He's beautiful - and looks very puppyish in that second picture.

Pulled out my copy of "Akita: Treasure of Japan" - and it has this to say in the section on Growth...

Little consistency exists with temperament and growth patterns. Some Akita lines reach physical maturity slowly, while others appear to grow quickly without exhibiting many gangly stages. A competent breeder is familiar with the different physical stages inherent in his or her line, and it is advisable to discuss these growth stages with your

breeder. The following information describes normal growth patterns in Akita puppies and will not apply uniformly to all puppies, but this general guide can prove useful when comparing your puppy's development.


Usually, an Akita's growth occurs in spurts. This rapid growth can result in a puppy that appears ungainly from time to time, but this is common (since most growth phas- es are transitory). Assuming you properly feed your Akita puppy and keep it parasite-free, it will gain approximately 10 pounds each month, and will continue at this until it reaches the seventh month, after which time it will gain weight more slowly. A larger-boned puppy not only matures more slowly, but also will probably experience more ungainly stages. It will continue to improve as it matures, and you must be patient. For example, the dog 27-inches at maturity may not look its best in the show ring until it is well over 2-years old. Your ungainly ugly teenager may turn out to be a Best in Show adult. One breeder of exceptional and large Akitas claims he does not even enter his Akitas in shows until they are at least five-

years old, but when they do finally begin their show careers, these Akitas make up for lost time and quickly become champions.

Akita: treasure of Japan Volume II by Barbara Bouyet, 2002 (Magnum Publishing)

Note despite the title, this book is by an American and deals mainly with the "American" style akita.

As a worrier and hypochondriac-by-proxy ... Personally I might be tempted to run some blood tests on a pup that wasn't growing in at least one dimension for an extended period - just to put my mind at rest ... but as I said, I'm a worrier -

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Okay so I've found the email and have contacted her.

My friend has a 10 months old akita from a breeder in Tasmania and he's 45kg. That seems reachable in that amount of time it's just that he's weighs not moved for so long that's got me worried.

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