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Requirments Of Breeder Importing


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im importing a dog from Canada, we are working out what we each expect from the other.

she is keeping the dog till its 9 months old then its flying in.

my expectations are

vet three months rabies and microchip

60 days to 1 year: rnant blood test by official vet

30 days prior to export: blood test

four days: vet check

take dog to airport on day of flight.

teach dog sit, come, down, stay leash manners.

socialise dog

house trained.

what else should I be able to reasonably expect?

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There really is no standard in these sorts of situations, everything you have to negotiate yourself. That she is prepared to run it on for 9 months is huge. Does she want board for that, if so how much? Agree on all the costs up front and write it down. Exchange of emails is enough, but make sure you agree before the process kicks off.

Has she exported to Australia before? If not, would you be better off getting an agent to do all this? The husband of the breeder I bought my dogs in from was an absolute whizz with paperwork, and even then it was an exasperating process. Australia's pre-entry processes are demanding and complicated compared to most of the rest of the world.

Some of the training stuff will depend how she is running it on. TBH I would not bother fretting too much with house training as the dog is going to be in kennels for 10 days in quarantine. So it will have to go close to where it sleeps whether it wants to or not, and in some ways very strict house training will make that harder for the dog than teaching the dog that it is OK to go on concrete (for example). I didn't discuss training at all, I knew how the breeder ran her household as I had visited on a couple of occasions, and I was prepared to change anything I wanted to change when the dogs got here.

I would expect to be told if the mouth went off or a testicle sucked up or the temperament went bad. Sounds obvious, but you can't take anything for granted.

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thanks for that, neither have imported we will be going through a company.

she is prepared to keep it that time for no cost, shes keeping most of the litter so one more wasn't any trouble.

she asked what training id want, we both use clicker traning.

the dog is being picked out by four judges and another local breeder.

atm we are just trying to establish what we both want so its clear on both side.

I will be flying over to meet the dog at six months. then im paying for the cost of the puppy.

im paying all vet and importation fees.

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