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Scared Of Water

Guest hanko

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Guest hankodie

Have you tried him when the lake's out Hankodie? On the beach side of the bridge you can pretty much walk across it and it's got lots of sand bars he can jump on. My old dog loved swimming in the lake but hated any sort of waves or surge of the ocean.

I haven't tried that spot HW but the spot we go to some mornings is quite similar, no waves and very still water. He will actually momentarily forget his fear and paw at the water in curiosity. Then the fear returns and he leaps away and runs back to the nearest piece of dry land :laugh:

Might try that spot you mentioned though and see how he goes! He was quite little the last time we went :D

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Guest hankodie

what about a puddle in his yard?..just a little one ..float some food on it ;) work up from there .... the more you subject him to beach etc ..and the more he has a chance to react badly .. possibly that response will be ingrained

Strangely enough he's got no problem with puddles Perse! We had a week of heavy rain a couple of months ago, for the first couple of days he flat out refused to go out in the rain, then something clicked in his head and he was running around like crazy splashing in every puddle he could see (and getting incredibly muddy in the process :D)

Hoping some kind of epiphany like that would happen near the clam shell pool or the beach but no such luck!



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Guest hankodie

Em took to water when she saw her first duck - talk about instinct kicking in.

TSD is Em the dally in your avatar?

that's interesting about the duck - Hank barks at them sometimes when we're out walking near the water but never tries to chase after them. I wonder if I should just wait there next time and see if he's game enough to jump in? They're usually too far away for him to get to even if he was ballsy enough to swim :laugh:

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OMG look at that sweet innocent face and those soft silky ears :love::love::love:

I so like Hank is adorable and he is developing into a character :D

Thanks hankodie. They are great to photograph and be around

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Em took to water when she saw her first duck - talk about instinct kicking in.

TSD is Em the dally in your avatar?

that's interesting about the duck - Hank barks at them sometimes when we're out walking near the water but never tries to chase after them. I wonder if I should just wait there next time and see if he's game enough to jump in? They're usually too far away for him to get to even if he was ballsy enough to swim :laugh:

Ha - no! Em is the crazy field bred ESS puppy in my avatar working up the courage to say hello to her new friend!

She went from this....


To this!


Yes, she's supposed to have that in her mouth...


Zig, on the other hand...


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Guest hankodie

Bahahaha TSD that photo of Zig is hilarious :rofl: at least he looks like he's trying :laugh:

Love the photos of Em too, she looks like she does an awesome job retrieving in water!

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Have you tried putting a lead on him and gently asking him to follow you in? I would think that would be the first thing to try if he won't go in on his own

ETA: that is how Foxy learnt to swim (Didn't have any ducks handy but she now retrieves ducks from water happily, still doesn't enjoy swimming just for the sake of it though)


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Guest hankodie

Have you tried putting a lead on him and gently asking him to follow you in? I would think that would be the first thing to try if he won't go in on his own

I've tried this blackjaq but he just screeches to a halt and refuses to budge :( He won't even take treats.

He's also very scared of walking out on the dock although he has improved lately, I ask him to follow me gently out to the middle of it and back while giving him lots of treats. He takes the treats but is very reluctant still about walking on it.

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How long does it take to outwait him?

(As in, when he puts on the brakes... do you just quit? Or do you keep asking until he moves a little closer and then reward)

I guess if he is refusing to take food he must be genuinely scared... What is the reason for this? Any ideas? In my experience it's pretty unusual for a dog to be genuinely afraid of water, especially a retrieving breed

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Guest hankodie

How long does it take to outwait him?

(As in, when he puts on the brakes... do you just quit? Or do you keep asking until he moves a little closer and then reward)

I guess if he is refusing to take food he must be genuinely scared... What is the reason for this? Any ideas? In my experience it's pretty unusual for a dog to be genuinely afraid of water, especially a retrieving breed

I try and coax him gently for a while but try not to push it too much. Sometimes he will leap away playfully and bark at me but still won't go in.

The only thing I can think of that might be the cause was when he was smaller he had a bit of a scare with a wave on the beach. I've been taking him to the beach since he was 8 weeks. We hadn't tried going into the water at this point as it was too cold but I was letting him explore the sand and trying to get him used to everything. We were just walking by the shore near the water and one wave came in a little big - he didn't get submerged or swept away at all, it only came up to above his paws but I remember him being a little startled by it. Wasn't a big deal at the time but maybe it's stuck with him?

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Is it only bodies of water? Does he like to play with running water from the hose?

Nova wouldn't get in water after he accidentally dove into a deep part of the river (aiming for the shallows) and needed to swim back as a baby pup.

But he liked the running water and also splashes, so I tempted him into his clam pool with the hose on gentle, so he could play with it, and I got him back into the river by making little splashes with my hand, as he likes to try and eat the splashes. He still won't go out past his belly now though. I am working on that by going swimming with him and some toys, very very very slowly getting deeper now that his toy drive is so big.

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