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How Do You Pronounce 'cairn' As In Terrier?

Simply Grand

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:laugh: I think the city Cairns confused things because so many people pronounce it in different ways, and CAREn/s and CAN/s don't actually sound all that different in an Aussie accent. Sometimes American pronounciation with the R would make phonetic spelling easier!

BTW, I like that we're all still in agreement that I'm right and my colleagues are wrong :thumbsup:

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Don't worry Dory I'm still confused too, I think I have to hear it said by someone else to 'get it'. No matter how it's written I'm still saying 'car-nnn' :laugh:

I 'did' pronounce it the same as this guy

then there is this way

Which one is correct?

OH has just informed me that I'm wrong and it's like the town, which I pronouce as 'cans' without the 's'.

Ok and just watched the Crufts video and she said it like saying 'can'.

Edited by shapeshifter
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