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Bitey Face

Guest hanko

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Guest hankodie

Does anyone know why dogs like to play bitey face? I've been observing my 2 playing recently and they are growing more and more fond of this game. One will usually initiate it when the other is lying down, then they lie there for ages biting each other on the face and biting each other's limbs. Sometimes it will escalate into a game of chase but not always. They take turns lying on top of each other and "attacking". Sometimes one of them will take it too far and the other will let out a small yelp, they stop immediately to break and then they get right back into it :laugh:

It doesn't seem aggressive at all so I'm not too worried, despite my dogs being very different in size they generally tend to be quite good when they play. I'm just curious as to why they do it. Is it a sign of affection? Is it healthy play or should I be discouraging it?

Do anyone else's doggies love playing bitey face?

A video of my 2, this has become a morning ritual before breakfast :laugh:


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Mine do it a lot. Sometimes we even end up with a bitey-face trifecta or a doggie pile up... I think it is just lazy play, better than chasies inside a house or on a hot day

ETA: Mine are all very noisy during this kind of game, had some people ask me if I am going to break up my dogs when they have done it in public lol

Edited by BlackJaq
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Hahaha Weasel that's very funny.

Lewis and Wilson play bitey face all the time - with lots of noise!!! Rommi is the fun police so it is not something her and Lewis have ever done. I think Lewis thinks that is the sole reason to have kids - someone to play bitey face with.

Interesting though as Wilson has been teething, very occasionally it has looked like someone has tried to rip off Lewis's legs and cut his throat :)

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Guest hankodie

Haha interesting to see how many people have dogs who do this :D Hank (my golden pup) is so polite around other dogs that he would not dare attempt a game of bitey face with anyone other than Odie which I find interesting, I like to think it's their version of a BFF secret handshake :laugh:

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Guest hankodie

Poor Weez lost all his doggy friends when he left WA and it takes him a long time to make new friends, so my husband takes pity and will play bitey face with him on occasion :o Dog-people eh :laugh:

:rofl::rofl: that's adorable!

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Mine play bitey face a lot. They are very vocal while playing it, especially Stella. She is very growley & squeals heaps. Mine lay down & play it or sometimes run around playing it, biting each others face & front legs. Stella can get a bit too rough for Sonny & he will yelp out & they stop straight away for one second then they pick up right where they left off. It's so funny to watch. I love it. Perfectly natural way to release energy IMHO :)

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All three of ours do it and two of them are mouth lickers too. I thought that was a submissive thing but have also been told by a dog whisperer that it can be a calming thing - one dog sharing calm spit with another that is feeling a little wound up.

This is a fantastic bitey face pic from last Christmas. Tempeh was constantly trying to pull off Stussy's Christmas elf apron fearing it would eat her alive, so they were crazy most of the day. Despite how ferocious Stussy looks she has never scratched or bitten anyone during a game of bitey face with those (slightly dirty) teeth.


Edited by Little Gifts
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