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Got Such A Fright Today


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Due to the lovely 45 degrees here :eek: I left the kitchen window open a little to let the 2 cats in the enclosed verandah come in & out as they pleased.

These 2 girls are excellent at letting me know if anything is around that shouldn't be, like the tiny lizard tearing past yesterday, so when it got cooler & I shut the window locking them outside while I cooked. I was suprised to hear them making noises soon after.

Looked out the window & they were both facing the same direction & peering intently. Shoes on & out I go to look. They were looking at something & meowing a lot . Worried & carefully I approached the door thinking I will have to go in there & investigate.

Then up it came.

Angie. One of my toy poodles. Bloody twit had jumped on the work surface & gone out of the window after them & was shut in the cat run :laugh:

Oh the sheer relief. Was so scared.

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