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Heat And Exercise!


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It's my first time having a dog in a hot climate, the sun is setting and it's still 36 degrees!!

Walking/training first thing in the morning ties Nova over for the day, but I like to give him another walk and training sesh in the evenings. I don't feel completely safe walking around by myself at night (it's still expected to stay in the 30s tonight though anyway) does anyone have some alternative exercise ideas for days like today?

I played some tug during training this afternoon with him in the air con, I guess I could do that again but I don't want him to loose interest in it.

Edited by LisaCC
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Indoor tricks/hiding toys and having the dog go and find them?

I guess thats going to have to be the go. Morning walks will have to suffice when we can't get to the river.

Just tried some games the back yard to see how he would go with the sun down, he was much more interested in the shadier places and trying to get back into the air con.

Hide and go seek seems like a great idea smile.gif

Edited by LisaCC
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Well he just discovered his own exercise. Fly hunting laugh.gif He is surprisingly good at it, I'll never need fly spray again!

It's fine as long as you don't have bees or European wasps around. Then it's a real worry. :(

Do you have a paddle pool of any kind. Most of the cheap shops have some for under $40. Or you can get a kid's plasstic sandpit (deeper than a clam shell) for around $40 sometimes.

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Thanks Ness for the hide and go seek idea. He knows to target a coaster when I ask him to, so I started slowly hiding that, just spent half an hour with him madly looking for it, pouncing on it like an arctic fox then rushing back for a tug! laugh.gif I inadvertently got a more reliable 'out' from the game too thumbsup1.gif

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not a game, but I freeze iceblocks for them

Using a low salt beef stock, put in a plastic disposable cup, 1/3 stock, put in some dry food, cut up snack foods (smackos) or even some cut up meat, top with water and freeze.

They love eating these on a hot day :)

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I put two bags of ice in the kiddy pool today, it kept them occupied for ages, taking every piece out and piling it next to the pool, only to be confused when the ice started disappearing.

Good idea!

laugh.gif When I went to Petstock the other day I got some free samples of "ice bones", they are basically just beef stock in a bone shaped container you freeze and pop out. Nova put it away after a while, he got a bit of a shock when some one had obviously stolen it from his hiding place because it "disappeared" laugh.gif

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Guest hankodie

I put two bags of ice in the kiddy pool today, it kept them occupied for ages, taking every piece out and piling it next to the pool, only to be confused when the ice started disappearing.

Good idea!

laugh.gif When I went to Petstock the other day I got some free samples of "ice bones", they are basically just beef stock in a bone shaped container you freeze and pop out. Nova put it away after a while, he got a bit of a shock when some one had obviously stolen it from his hiding place because it "disappeared" laugh.gif

Hahahaha I bought these for my 2 and the exact same thing happened, Hank was so sad when his treat was reduced to just a puddle on the floor :rofl:

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Childs wading pool. They can lie down or sit in it - they run around, they get hot, they lie down in the pool, they get cool, then they run around and get hot again. This is off lead in the garden. I never walk them on lead when it is very hot. They make their own decisions about playing or lying around. In the pm when it is cooler, we might play ball, or dog-rugby for a while.

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