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Feather, The Dog Who Never Learned How To Play


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I bred Feather and she was mostly hand raised so perhaps was a bit of a mummys girl, I dont know, but for what ever reason she never really learned how to play with her siblings. In fact she was nearly killed by them when she was only about 6 weeks old! The adorable little darlings were such savage fighters two of her sisters gashed her neck, just missing her jugular vein. I suspect it had a profound affect on her and she's always been rather aloof with most dogs.

I've recently got a little Italian Greyhound puppy (Neko) and aside from the usual worries about protecting such a tiny puppy from my whippets I was particularly guarded about Feather. Sure enough, all the other whippets were good with her, I just had to make sure they weren't overly rough and didn't trample her in their mad dashes around the yard, but Feather was different. She wanted nothing to do with Neko and seemed to be confused and afraid of her. Feather would give all the right signals that she wanted Neko to leave her alone, but the puppy ignored them. I was constantly taking Neko away, and rescuing Feather from her advances. Finally it became too much for Feather and she bit Neko on her toe. Much squealing and sooking from Neko and it frightened Feather even more, this strange little creature in her face all the time, and then such a carry on.

The weeks went by, Neko was undeterred by being bitten but gradually I started seeing a change in Feather. I've tried to protect Feather and Neko from each other as best I can while still allowing a relationship to develop, it's been quite a juggling act too I can tell you. After about 6 weeks Feather would occasionally interact with Neko, but it was only around dinner time and she looked a little too keen to me, as if she thought Neko might be good to eat, so I had to monitor it carefully. After about 7 weeks they would play but Feathers hackles were up and still she was just a bit too keen.

We're almost up to 10 weeks now and it makes me so happy to be able to say, they've become friends. I never thought I'd see the day, Feather is old and grey now, and it must have been a steep learning curve for her, but she now enjoys Nekos company, and even seeks her out to play. She's learnt how to moderate her bite and be gentle and is teaching Neko how be play kindly too, she lets her know if Neko's been too hard. So the old and the young are teaching each other and it makes my heart happy.




Edited by Kirislin
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That bought tears to my eyes Kirislin, the photos are just wonderful :)

It brings tears to my eyes too SM just watching them. Feather's never had a playmate. She will be 12 years old in May so this is a huge turnaround for her. I'm so happy that she now knows what it is to have fun with another dog. For the first time in her life, she has a doggy friend.

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That bought tears to my eyes Kirislin, the photos are just wonderful :)

It brings tears to my eyes too SM just watching them. Feather's never had a playmate. She will be 12 years old in May so this is a huge turnaround for her. I'm so happy that she now knows what it is to have fun with another dog. For the first time in her life, she has a doggy friend.

Bless :heart: Neko was meant to come to you and Feather, a new lease on life for the dear old girl, wishing more happy years to come.

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What a beautiful story Kirislin; sounds like little Neko has been just what you and Feather needed. Sometimes dogs just click with one another and other times they just don't. Hopefully Neko will give your old girl more fight in her life and keeps her going strong for many more years to come!! :D

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Watch out! My 14 year old has become a senile delinquent since teaming up with former foster pup Pickles... they are so naughty together, getting up to all sorts of mischief!

The oldies are great pals for the littlies though, aren't they? Teaching how to play nicely, and being just firm enough when they aren't...


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thanks everyone. Yes DD when they finally realise it can actually be fun, it's the best. :D I thought Feather would go to her grave never knowing what it can be like to just play with another dog. It's such a relief now that they've become buddies as I was concerned for a while that Feather could hurt Neko, but that little puppy has wormed her way into all of our hearts with her charm. When she first came here Feather spent alot of time in her crate, she'd go in there in the hope of avoiding Neko and it's actually where she bit Neko, but now they're cuddled together as I write in an open dog bed by my feet. Feather doesn't feel the need to hide anymore.

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Lovely to see it worked out so well for both of them. :heart: Do they make their happy little noises, when playing together?

yes they do, those little growly noises that are like music to me after the way Feather's been all her life. I've never heard her make them until now.

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That bought tears to my eyes Kirislin, the photos are just wonderful :)

It brings tears to my eyes too SM just watching them. Feather's never had a playmate. She will be 12 years old in May so this is a huge turnaround for her. I'm so happy that she now knows what it is to have fun with another dog. For the first time in her life, she has a doggy friend.

that makes the heart swell with emotion and brings the tears to the eyes.. It is a little miracle and i believe that an angel named Kirislin had a hand in it too... well done

christmas joy


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Oh that is a brilliant story and a fantastic out come :D :cry: Love the photos. They will be friends for life and their antics will brighten your house each day.

Baylee and Dee had a morning game of noisy bitey face and chasey. It sounded like a herd of hephalumps first thing in the morning. There was 6 years difference in age between them and Dee was always the pup who got picked on and was unsure about how to play with the other dogs. She would stand back and watch. Now that Baylee is gone Dee has tried to play the same game with Zeph but he is not sure how to play her game.

Enjoy Feather and Neko's game. Take lots of photos. And just sit and watch them play. It is really good for your soul and a great way to start the day. May they have many years of playtime together :D

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