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How Many Dogs Are Scared Of Storms?


What percentage of dogs are scared of storms?  

167 members have voted

  1. 1. How many dogs do you have?

  2. 2. How many of your dogs are scared of storms?

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  On 16/12/2013 at 2:32 PM, Clover said:

4 dogs and really only my old boy that really stresses out. My youngster will sleep through storms unless they are really big.

My old boy never used to be bothered by storms. Now he is 14 he doesn't freak out but follows me around and hangs out in whichever room I am in and pants a bit sometimes.

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Patch is the only one of my 3 who is scared of storms. Before we got him he got hit by hail in a storm which blinded one eye - so I totally understand why he is scared frown.gif

He is actually getting a lot better that he used to be - he just paces around the place when they hit. I was thinking of trying a thundershirt to see if it just takes the edge off for him.

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Breeze my Italian Greyhound is oblivious to just about everything, but Toby the Border Terrier has been a mess ever since all the earthquakes we have had here. Never used to mind thunder or fireworks now he turns into a shaking drooling mess every time. Sometimes even noises that sound earthquake-ish will set him off poor guy.

Edited by kiwifeathers
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I voted 2 dogs, both scared.

Our first dane Flash didn't care about storms or fireworks, was really chilled. Harry the greyhound came along, was a bit scared, but took his cues from Flash and became very settled with storms.

We fostered a grey called Rocco, who was frantic with storms, so both Flash and Harry became so bad they had to be medicated. After Flash went and we got Whitney, Harry settled quite a bit and a thunder shirt helps him settle, so only slight panting and being wary, although after a while he goes to sleep unless it's really loud.

On the other hand, Whitney is soooo frantic that twice when weren't at home, she has jumped the fence and escaped. The last time there wasn't even a storm, but some work was being done nearby and there had been a loud bang, so off she went. She is an anxious dog anyway, so now they get locked in the house or got to my Mum's when we are out, and she is on meds to try and alleviate her anxiety in general. No storms since the meds started, so still to see how she goes.

The scariest thing is that she is so frantic when she gets over the 5.5 foot fence, she just bolts :cry:

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Sorry everyone! I knew I had done something wrong last night but my brain wasn't working because I was tired. And like I said, the whole thing wasn't going to show what I wanted anyway & I was too tired to work it out.

I have added an option for "none" at the bottom of the second question.

Jarrah & Whisper, are slinkers, they just want to slink around behind you & be whereever you are. Jarrah's fav place in a storm is under my desk in the office, my guess is because it's dark under there. He's fine if he's in his crate. Whisper just wants to be inside, ears go back, tail goes down & they both pant, but only a little bit. Jonty is a barker, he just barks when there is a storm coming, whether he's inside or out.

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Three dogs and only one is scared. You can tell a storm is coming because she will try and wedge herself behind you or under your feet or generally just as close to you as she can be. She needs to be touching you. As we can start hearing the storm she shakes/trembles and it kind of courses through her entire body. She must salivate a lot too because she is constantly opening and closing her mouth and making swallowing noises. If the storm is particularly bad or goes on for a long time she will start panting. She doesn't make any other sounds throughout this. Once the worst has passed for her she normally stays curled in the same position and sleeps. It is obviously more difficult for her if you are busy when a storm is coming and she has to run around after you trying to keep close. Strangely she will choose me rather than my sister (her mummy) to be with during a storm. I don't know whether this is because I make her feel better/more normal (I used to have a dog much more terrified of storms than her so know some tricks) or because for many of her years her owners were SES team leaders so she was used to being cared for by other people at storm time.

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Mine don't care one bit about storms despite being a bit anxious in general life - when they were pups I made an effort to go outside and play with them / be silly / throw the ball when storms were coming - seems to have done the trick.

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I've got two iggies and one Chi X MinPin. The iggies are not bothered by storms at all. The Chi X doesn't seem to be as worried about the sound of thunder and wind but seems to hate hearing rain on the roof, even if the rain isn't heavy. Weird! :confused: She just quietly walks away with her tail down and gets on either my bed or the lounge. She doesn't shake or drool or whimper or show any other signs of being afraid though.

Edited by iggy mum
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3 of my 4 are scared of storms, but only Carl and Jag make a big fuss about it and actively look for someone to velcro themselves to. Mischa just pants and shakes a bit if it's a particularly bad storm.

Carl was never phobic when I adopted him, but a big storm happened one weekend while I was away and since then, he's just inconsolable during one. :o His Thundershirt works to a degree. And Jag wasn't scared at all until he learned the behaviour from Carl, which took about six months to get to the same point as him. Dorks!

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  On 16/12/2013 at 9:33 PM, stans mum said:

Stan is petrified of storms, also moths, flies, Xmas beetles and poo but he has a thundershirt which works well for him. Maddie was never worried about storms, fireworks are a different story, until we had the worst storm I've ever experienced last month and she was a drooling, quivering mess. I now have a thundershirt for her so I hope it works, we'll be trying it out on NYE.

Sorry Stan but :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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