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Boarding Required Act Or Surrounds Urgently


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Hi All

I know its a big ask but a lady I know has had to go into a refuge and her two beautiful dogs are now at risk. They are currently being temporarily being boarded by a lovely person at a kennel somewhere but have to move as they are now full. RSPCA are full so cannot board them either. I don't know where else she can turn :(

Dog's breeds are Lab and the other is a rotti.

If anyone can help even with temporary boarding that would certainly ease this poor woman's burden at this low point in her life.

If you can assist, please PM me asap.

Many thanks

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Bad time of year :(

Gender? Ages? Dog friendliness?

Cat tolerance?

Can offer space if all the boxes are ticked, but that would make six which is too many for us/ours after more than a couple of weeks. Might be ok over the Christmas break to allow time to find something else.

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Hi All

I know its a big ask but a lady I know has had to go into a refuge and her two beautiful dogs are now at risk. They are currently being temporarily being boarded by a lovely person at a kennel somewhere but have to move as they are now full. RSPCA are full so cannot board them either. I don't know where else she can turn :(

Dog's breeds are Lab and the other is a rotti.

If anyone can help even with temporary boarding that would certainly ease this poor woman's burden at this low point in her life.

If you can assist, please PM me asap.

Many thanks

Give me a call 0437 306 784



Edited by keetamouse
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The download would indicate placing them in someone's home without insurance could be problematic if the rottie got out as it is not social with dogs it doesn't know. Are they vaccinated? If not then I doubt an ethical commercial kennel is going to accept them this close to the busiest time of the year.

I feel very sorry for the owner of these dogs. I would be in a similar situation. RSPCA QLD has a Pets in Crisis program which works in conjunction with DV Connect. They may be able to advise if there are any reciprocal programs that may assist or if they are able to accept interstate transfers.

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the rotti is the OHs so even if she can get the lab sorted. I presume they are vaccinated. I have put the word out to my contacts in RSPCA in NSW to see if they might have any carers available (though I doubt it given the time of year). But fingers crossed it looks like we might have a carer locally.

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