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This is Nekos brother Arkey, he's almost 19 weeks old, his mum Wdiget was speyed weeks ago and has no more milk...we think but look what he was doing today! :eek::rofl:

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hahah so funny! we are going through something similar.. we just got a Frenchie puppy 2 weeks ago and is now 10 weeks, but she keeps trying to feed off our 2 year old Frenchie, who was speyed at 6 months old. The 2 year old is always sooooo confused when the puppy tries to do it.

This is the best pic I could get of her trying to do it:


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When I was a kid and speying was not the norm we had a seal point Siamese who seemed to always be pregnant by a local tom or other. She certainly never had any pure breds! Anyway she had one black boy one litter that we kept and called Dudley. Unfortunately Dudley was a Bitty Boy and we often found her, when she was pregnant with another litter, being pinned down and suckled to within an inch of her life by Duddles. He had a very shiny coat!

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there's some cute pics here. :laugh:

Poor Widget that does not look comfortable.

She lets him do it, I'm sure she doesn't mind, she'd be quick to tell him off if she objected but he's always been her favourite. He's a real Mummy's boy

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